Here is the second post in our series Phrases That Aren't Taught In School. The first list was from Puerto Rico and more countries are coming soon!
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You can also check out and share the awesome list from Chile, Peru and Colombia.
10 Vulgar Spanish slang words and phrases from Argentina that aren’t taught in school, but you need to know
Scroll down to read the text version of this infographic.
1. ¡Ni en pedo!
Hell no! No damn way!
2. No te hagas el pelotudo
“Don't be a dumbass. You know what I mean”
3. ¡La concha de tu hermana!
You son of a bitch, shithead
4. La re-puta que te parió
“The fucking slut that gave birth to you,” similar to “you fucking shithead”
5. Me chupa un huevo
I don't give a shit
6. Me estás cagando
“You're fucking me over”
7. No me bolacees
“Don't bullshit me”
8. Esto es un quilombo
“This is a freaking mess”
9. Sos un boludo
“You’re a dumbass”
10. ¡Andá a cagar!
Buzz off, Screw off, Fuck off
If you want to learn more local language vocabulary from Argentina, check out my book Speaking Argento: A Guide to Spanish from Argentina.
Check out these other Argentina Spanish Slang Word articles.