If you are in the process of learning Spanish and plan to travel to Puerto Rico, keep in mind the following list of words and phrases. These 10 sayings are common in Puerto Rican Spanish but are too strong to be taught in school. You need to know them.
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10 vulgar Spanish slang words and phrases from Puerto Rico that aren’t taught in school, but you need to know
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1. Me cago en la madre
“I shit on the mother” and means fuck! or shit!
2. Cabrón
“A billy goat,” is an insult and refers to a man whose wife or girlfriend cheated on him, a cuckold.
3. Mama bicho
“A dick sucker”
4. Hijo de la gran puta
“A big son of a bitch”
5. Bellaco
6. Maldita sea la madre que te parió
“Dam the mother fucking bitch who gave birth to you”
7. Chingar / Chichar
“To fuck”
8. Puñeta
From the word puño (fist) and means son-of-a-bitch! or shit! Also may be related to “jerking off” so be careful!
9. ¡Qué cojones!
“What balls!” or “He’s got some big balls” to mean someone has crossed the line
10. So Pendejo
Pendejo is a mild insult that means “idiot or sucker.” Add the word So to make it stronger like “big idiot or big sucker”
Check out these other Puerto Rican Spanish Slang Word articles.