Conjugate Argentine Spanish Verbs: TENER
The common verb TENER plays an important role in Argentine Spanish with over 15 variations. Here is how to conjugate it in Argentina using the Vos conjugation so common to the country. After, a list of the various phrases using TENER along with their meanings is included:
Present Tense
Yo - tengo
Vos - tenés
El,Ella - tené
Ud. - tiene
Nosotros - tenemos
Vosotros -tenéis
Ellos, Ellas - tienen
Uds. - tienen
Local Argentina Variations with the Verb TENER
tener arrastre - to be sexually appealing
tener calle, tener asfalto - to have experience in something
tener chucho - to be afraid
tener labia - to be a good talker, have the ability to convince people
tener la manija - to have everything under control
tener orto - to be lucky
tener la posta - to be absolutely sure about something
tener las bolas llenas, tener las bolas por el piso - to be fed up with
tener mala pata - to be unlucky
tener menos calle que Venecia - to be completely unexperienced
tener pila de ganas - to really want to do something
tener un cocodrilo en el bolsillo - to be cheap or stingy
tener un filito - to have a romantic companion, someone to always go out with
tener un metejón - to be in love
tener un pedo bárbaro - to be really drunk
tener una vena - to be frustrated or pissed off
tenerla clara - to know something extremely well
tenerla muerta - completely in love with
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