Broma or chiste is how to say joke in Spanish – these two words are often used interchangeably when talking about jokes or joking around and the laughing emoji means the same thing in every language.
Latinos love to kid around and laugh as much as any other people and they have plenty of words to express it. Comedy is a great way to learn a new language as you learn the different ways to play with Spanish words.
25 basic JOKE in Spanish slang words you need.
1. Broma: joke (noun)
2. Bromear: to joke, to kid
3. Estar de broma: to be joking, to be joking around
4. Gastar una broma: to play a joke
5. Aceptar una broma: to take a joke
6. Broma habitual: running joke
7. Aguantar una broma: to take a joke (Argentina)
8. Chiste: joke (noun) Chiste can often be used interchangeably with broma.
9. Hacer un chiste: to make a joke
10. Contar un chiste: to tell a joke
11. Mandarse un chiste: to crack a joke
12. Chiste verde: dirty joke
13. Chiste rojo or colorado: dirty joke (Puerto Rico)
14. Chiste privado: inside joke
15. Burlar: to joke, to make fun of
16. Burla: prank, practical joke
17. Burlón: a jokester, someone who is always kidding around. This word can also mean “bully”
Other useful words and phrases
18. Tomar los pelos: to pull one’s leg
19. Vacilar: to joke around, have a good time, fool around. In Perú, vacilar means “to like.”
20. Picarón: a jokester, someone who has just played a joke on you (Mexico)
21. Payasear: To joke around, to be kidding (Mexico)
22. Caer el veinte: to get a joke (Mexico). In this case, you can also use the verb “caer” to say someone “fell for a joke”
23. Jodiendo: literally, fucking (around), a more vulgar way of saying messing/joking around.
24. Tener correa: to take a joke, have a sense of humor (Spain)
25. Seguir la corriente: to take a joke (Puerto Rico)
Reactions To Jokes:
You’re not funny. – No eres graciosa. (f)
Seriously? – en serio?
That’s so funny! – Eso es tan divertido
Shut up! – cállate la boca
No way! – de ninguna manera
Oh My God – dios mío
How does milk introduce itself in Spanish? Soy milk.
Can you think of any other joke-related basic Spanish words or phrases?
Check out these other articles about the Spanish Language.