Meet Bertha
Bertha is a high school public educator in Savannah, Georgia. In addition to teaching Spanish II - AP Spanish Language and Culture, Bertha enjoys sharing effective acquisition driven instructional strategies with her district colleagues at professional regional, & national conferences as well as at informal gatherings. She also facilitates training & observations for new teachers at her school district annually. She is committed to engaging all students in the language learning process so that they can become language learners for life. Through an impactful Spanish language program, Bertha is also devoted to engaging her students in meaningful real-world experiences where they can apply their acquired language skills while enriching their local community through a service leadership approach.
Bertha Delgadillo’s Sessions at the World Language Teacher Summit
AI Tools Language Teachers Must Try
2024 World Language Teacher Summit for Spanish Teachers

In this presentation, Bertha discusses the practical application of AI-generated lesson plans and writing prompts to streamline teaching efforts. She highlights their potential as time-saving tools and emphasizes the flexibility for teachers to customize and fine-tune these resources. Additionally, Bertha introduces a valuable, free tool designed to support learners, especially those with individualized education plans (IEPs), in developing social-emotional learning and decision-making skills. Lastly, Bertha explores the use of brain breaks as efficient and effective tools for optimizing the language teaching and learning experience.
AI Tools Language Teachers Must Try
2023 World Language Teacher Summit

In this presentation, Bertha discusses the practical application of AI-generated lesson plans and writing prompts to streamline teaching efforts. She highlights their potential as time-saving tools and emphasizes the flexibility for teachers to customize and fine-tune these resources. Additionally, Bertha introduces a valuable, free tool designed to support learners, especially those with individualized education plans (IEPs), in developing social-emotional learning and decision-making skills. Lastly, Bertha explores the use of brain breaks as efficient and effective tools for optimizing the language teaching and learning experience.
Strategies to Cultivate Student Buy-in
2023 Back-To-School & New Teacher World Language Teacher Summit

In this session, Bertha showcases different strategies to work with your students in class that will help improve the atmosphere, achieve better competency for your students, create a class community, and enhance buy-in in your language class.
La importancia del aprendizaje socioemocional en el aula
World Language Teacher Summit 2023 En Español

En la sesión de hoy, Bertha nos hablará sobre la educación socioemocional de ayer y hoy, y también sobre cómo aplicarla en el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera. Compartirá su experiencia en el uso de Canva para crear diversas actividades para sus estudiantes, y presentará ejemplos de aulas donde se ha implementado el aprendizaje socioemocional. Al final, nos proporcionará información sobre dónde encontrar recursos adicionales.
What to Avoid when Teaching Songs in the Target Language & What To Do Instead
2022 World Language Teacher Summit

In this presentation, Bertha encourages us to use a variety of musical genres to build a bridge between learners and artists. She shares activities such as the use of word clouds, lyric sequencing, traffic light annotation, tweets and Flipgrid presentations that can be used to bring joy to the classroom through music.
Create Active Learning Experiences With Google Jamboard!
2021 World Language Teacher Summit

Bertha talks about her experience of using Google Jamboard with the students in her Spanish classes. She starts with a basic explanation, and then gives step by step instructions for creating your first Jamboard. Her presentation includes plenty of examples together with links which will help you experiment with different templates. There is also a ‘troubleshooting’ section, and suggestions for using Jamboard with face-to-face classes as well as online.
3 Teacher Proven Ways to Build and Sustain a Successful World Language Program
2020 World Language Teacher Summit

Bertha shares ways to create and develop a successful language program. She shares 3 steps with detailed explanations on how these are effective. These steps begin with forming a team, building relationships with those that are involved with your members, and creating an online presence to connect with everyone. Towards the end, she provides recommendations on how to maintain the success of your language program.
Soaring Student Engagement through a Proficiency Mindset
2020 World Language Teacher Summit

Bertha shares practices and tips about sustaining a proficiency mindset among students throughout the school year. She discusses how maximizing classroom spaces helps. She also talks about activities that could be done from the 1 st week and how to use the suggested bulletin board posts in each activity to maintain a proficiency mindset. There are examples of these activities throughout the presentation.
Foldables are the Key to No-Prep Sanity
2019 World Language Teacher Summit

Bertha Delgadillo explains what she means by ‘No-Prep Foldables’ and clarifies the benefits they offer to both students and teachers. She also shares practical examples of a variety of different types of foldables, together with suggestions for integrating them into the classroom and tips for setting them up successfully.