As mentioned in the post Puerto Rican Spanish Slang for Penis: A Bug or a Guy’s Dick?, a completely innocuous word in one country may mean something seriously crude in another. This time the word is concha which in many countries has the sole meaning “sea shell.” Above, I stand in front of the sign […]
Language Learning: Spanish Phrases and Usages of the Word PAPA
Yes, SEVEN meanings with just the four letters P-A-P-A. And if you mix in a couple other words with PAPA then there are even more. In a recent article Ignore These 5 Fundamentals to Become Fluent Faster I stated that beginning Spanish learners should ignore the El/La articles on nouns, as well as the accents […]
CAGAR: The Second Most Important Chile Spanish Slang Word
Certain words in a country turn out to be words that are heard daily, hourly and sometimes even every few minutes. Since these words are a fundamental part of the local language, learning them will quickly expand your vocabulary. They also have the added benefit of making you sound more like a local. HUEVEAR: The […]
Spanish NFL Infographic: English Names in Spanish of The NFL Teams
Last weekend I was trapped in a Sunday Football get-together. All the Americans were hypnotized watching the game and between commercial breaks, I was able to chat with a friend from Mexico. She asked me if I have ever heard the names of the NFL teams in Spanish. I was completely puzzled, because for me […]
LOS COLORES DE MI TIERRA: Video and Song to Learn Colors in Spanish Plus 7 Other Words
Before YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, a famous house paint commercial from Puerto Rico became viral locally during the 1990’s. To promote their company, Harris Paints created a song with Caribbean rhythms and a patriotic lyric coupled with images of colorful splashes of paints. Frequency and a captive audience ensured this song stuck in the minds […]
Spanish Language Word GORDO: Insult, Compliment or None of the Above?
The word “gordo” is translated as “fat” so you would think there wouldn’t be much room for discussion about this word. But hey, this is Spanish and simple words are often a lot more versatile then they seem. Gordo in Spanish doesn’t always have to refer to weight. In some Latin American countries, people will […]
3 Learning Aids That Helps Kids Speak Spanish… And Adults Too!
I have taught Spanish to children as young as 3 and to adults well past retirement. I certainly use different materials and approaches based on their ages, but when it comes to beginners, there are a few things I believe work for all age groups. So, adults too should use materials for children to learn […]
How to Speak Spanish: When Accent Stresses and Spanish Pronunciation Do Matter
In Jared’s article Become Fluent Faster By Ignoring These 5 Spanish Fundamentals, he recommends that you forget about perfecting your Spanish pronunciation and ignore written accents altogether when you are trying to learn Spanish quickly. While in some ways I agree with this, I can also argue quite the opposite in some cases. When it […]
15 Spanish Words and Phrases to Understand Three Kings Day
For Latin America, Christmas Holidays does not end on December 25th with the celebration of the birth of Baby Jesus and Santa Claus bringing gifts to children. In fact, this is just the beginning because twelve days after Christmas, we celebrate El Día de Reyes on January 6th. This day is also known as the […]
A Basic Spanish Lesson on Conjugating Verbs Like GUSTAR
The verb GUSTAR and other verbs like GUSTAR confuse many Spanish students because these sort of verbs do not really exist in English. The literal translation of GUSTAR is “to please” which is unfortunate for anyone who has to teach high school Spanish as you will have to tell them the way to say “I […]
5 Curious Facts About Cinco de Mayo
Click here to get these printable posters in Spanish and English in different sizes. 5 Curious Facts About Cinco de Mayo The Cinco de Mayo (5th of May) celebration commemorates the victory of the Mexican army over France in the Battle of Puebla in 1862. It is a festivity from Mexico that in the United […]
Spanish Language Day and International Book Day Spanish Lesson Plan and Class Resources
Spanish Language Day on April 23rd is an annual event dedicated to celebrating and recognizing the importance of the Spanish language, which is spoken by millions of people around the world. On this day, events are organized all over the globe to celebrate and promote the language. It is a great way for Spanish speakers […]
Greetings in Spanish: 11 Ways to Say “How’s it going?” in Spanish INFOGRAPHIC
Here is a collection of 11 phrases used by locals in Latin America and Spain to say “How’s it going?” or ¿Cómo te va? in Spanish. Free printable!
Christmas Spanish Lesson Plan and Class Activities: La Navidad en los Países Hispanohablantes
Christmas is an important holiday in Latin America. It represents the birth of Jesus Christ, a religious figure that is celebrated by Christians around the world. For many Latin Americans, Christmas is a time of joy and celebration with family and friends. During this season, it is tradition to exchange gifts, prepare traditional meals, decorate […]
First Steps to Flipping a Spanish Classroom
What is flipping and how to start this teaching approach with your Spanish classroom. Read these tips before you start!
Halloween Spanish Vocabulary Builder Activities
Halloween is a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31st, which typically involves activities such as trick-or-treating, attending costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns, and consuming seasonal treats. It is commonly believed to have originated with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming […]
Why I Wrote Speaking Phrases Boricua
Read what inspired Jared Romey to write the book Speaking Phrases Boricua – Refranes de Puerto Rico about Puerto Rican sayings,
Thanksgiving Spanish Vocabulary Builder Activities: El Día de Acción de Gracias
Thanksgiving is an American holiday that is traditionally celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. It is a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and the preceding year. Families typically gather to share traditional Thanksgiving foods, such as turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. Other activities that are […]
Quick Mnemonics to Nail the Top 10 Spanish Verbs Instantly
Here are creative mnemonics to help you remember 10 of the most important Spanish verbs from the author of Always Spanish.
Chile’s Fiestas Patrias Spanish Cultural Activities
Fiestas Patrias is an important national holiday in Chile celebrated each year on September 18th. This holiday honors the Chilean Declaration of Independence that took place on this day in 1818. (Not to be confused with Independence Day on February 12th.) It is a day of remembrance, reflection, and celebration throughout the country. During this […]
Day of the Dead Lesson Plan and Vocabulary Builder Activities: El Día de los Muertos
Day of the Dead is an annual holiday celebrated in Mexico and other countries throughout Latin America. It is a multi-day celebration that honors family members who have passed away. The holiday is held on November 1st and 2nd each year, coinciding with Catholic All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. Throughout the holiday, people […]
Spanish Class Activities for 12 de octubre: Día de la Raza, Día de la Hispanidad, Descubrimiento de América, Fiesta Nacional de España, Pueblos Originarios
In Latin America, October 12 is celebrated as Dia de la Raza, which marks the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492. October 12 is celebrated as “Day of Indigenous Resistance” in Latin America. It is a day to commemorate the struggles and achievements of indigenous people throughout the region, to promote indigenous […]
Carnavales en América Latina y España: Spanish Lesson Plan and Class Activities
Carnivals are festivals and celebrations held regularly, usually to mark the change of seasons or other important events. The origin of word “carnival” is from the Latin “carne vale” which translates as “farewell to the flesh” and was associated with feasting and merriment before fasting during Lent. Carnivals can generally involve parades, music, dance, costumes, […]
Día de las Américas: 14 de Abril Spanish Class Activities
Dia de las Americas, or Day of the Americas, is an annual holiday celebrated in Latin America on April 14th. The holiday celebrates the political and cultural solidarity among Latin American countries. It commemorates the establishment of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocity signed in 1890 by the United States and various countries in Central and […]
Easter and Holy Week in Latin America Spanish Lesson and Vocabulary Builder Activities
In the Spanish-speaking world, Holy Week and Easter go hand in hand. In Latin America and Spain, this is a religious celebration. Your students can compare the religious and secular ways to celebrate this holiday and its origin. Next are ready made Spanish class activities and a resource sheet. Easter and Holy Week Traditions Spanish […]
Independencia de México: Cultural Spanish Class Activities
Mexico celebrates its independence each year on September 15th and 16th. On September 15th, 1810, Miguel Hidalgo launched a movement to free Mexico from Spanish rule. This movement grew into a revolution, which led to the official declaration of independence from Spain on September 16th, 1810. Today, Mexicans celebrate their independence with parades, festivals, and […]
Valentine’s Day Spanish Class Activities: Día de San Valentín o Día de los Enamorados
Help students understand the traditions associated with Valentine’s Day in Spanish and foster a better understanding of the language as it relates to the holiday. Additionally, teaching Valentine’s Day vocabulary can be beneficial for students who are learning Spanish by using it as an opportunity for them to practice their conversational skills in Spanish. Valentine’s […]
Spanish Class Activities for Día de Reyes
Three Kings Day, or the Feast of the Epiphany, is a holiday celebrated mainly in Latin American countries and Spain as a commemoration of the three wise men’s visit to baby Jesus. It is celebrated on January 6th and marks the end of the Christmas season. This day often sees people exchanging gifts, just as […]
Las Fallas de Valencia: Cultural Presentation and Activities
A traditional festival, the Falles, is celebrated each year in Valencia, Spain in honor of Saint Joseph. The five main days of celebration are March 15–19, and fireworks displays (Mascletà) are held every day between March 1- 19. Generally, the term falles refers both to the celebrations and to the monuments set ablaze during these […]
National Hispanic Heritage Month: FREE PRINTABLE POSTER
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with this free printable poster for your classroom. Three sizes available.