Get ideas to celebrate the Hispanic Heritage Month with this collection of resources for teachers. Includes decorations, lesson plans, videos and books.
Muévete by Rubén Blades: Spanish Song and Bingo to Practice the Names of the Spanish Speaking Countries
Students practice the names of the Spanish-speaking countries with this lively Spanish song. The booklet includes a bingo game, cloze activity, maps and more.
Different Spanish Accents: Video 9 Types of Spanish Accents
Different Spanish Accents Video. A fun video that shows the different Spanish accents.
12 Back-to-School Tips by Spanish Teachers
These tips collected from Spanish teachers will keep your students engaged, enjoying Spanish and will keep them coming back to learn more Spanish.
Gritty Spanish Listening and Reading Comprehension Audio Program Review
This is the review of the Gritty Spanish audio program to improve listening and reading comprehension. Download a free eBook.
italki Review and Tutorial: Learn Spanish Online With italki
Honest Product Review: italki I truly believe that italki is one of the best tools to learn Spanish (or any language) available on the internet. Not only does it offer you lots of free functions, it makes hiring a professional teacher simple and effective. Not into spending money to learn Spanish? Here’s why that is a […]
10 Things to Keep in Mind When Selecting an italki Teacher
These are tips to select an italki teacher I learned from taking one-on-one, online italki classes to improve my language skills.
26 Cool and Free Spanish Resources for Teachers
A list of free Spanish resources for teachers that include printable activities, plans and other articles for their professional enrichment. All online!
9 Non-Boring Spanish Summer Reading Books for Spanish Teachers
A list of Spanish summer reading books for Spanish teachers and language lovers. Entertaining books about Spanish language curiosities and Spanish words.
31 Awesome Spanish Alphabet Books
An organized list of Spanish alphabet books for kids. Check out the essential selection, the books about Spanish speaking countries and historical characters.
Direct and Indirect Object Spanish Pronouns Printable Posters and Handout
This printable poster and student handout shows the direct and indirect object pronouns in Spanish.
Asignatura Pendiente by Ricky Martin: Spanish Class Activities to Practice the Verb TENER in the Present
Spanish class activities to practice the verb TENER in the present with the song Asignatura Pendiente by Ricky Martin. Practice TENGO, plus clozeline.
12 Common Spanish Expressions with Tener: Free Printable Signs
Tener is a Spanish verb that means “to have” or “to possess”. In other words, it is used to express the things you or others have. It can also be used to express possession of emotions such as tener miedo (to be afraid) or tener un gusto (to have a preference). To teach tener start […]
Verb TENER Conjugation Printable Poster and Handout
Decorate your classroom with the verb TENER conjugation printable poster. Includes poster in 3 sizes, a black and white handout and expressions with TENER.
Sin parar by Zehtyan: Spanish Song to Practice Infinitive Verbs (-AR, -ER, -IR)
Practice the infinitive verbs with the song Sin Parar by Zehtyan. Your students will also practice the conjugation of -AR, -ER, -IR verbs in the present
What Does VAINA Mean In Spanish?
Learn the different meanings of the word Vaina and why it is the most important Dominican Spanish word. Don’t miss the videos with more examples.
Spanish Regular Verbs Chart: -AR -ER -IR Conjugation in the Present Printable Posters and Handout
Decorate your classroom with this Spanish regular verbs chart poster of -AR -ER -IR verbs in the present tense. Includes the black and white handout.
Refranes Españoles: Classic Spanish Sayings Class Activities [PDF]
Four printable PDF documents with written exercises around classic Spanish sayings. Your students will practice a total of 61 Spanish sayings.
Si no estás by Area 305: Spanish Song to Practice the verb ESTAR in the Present
Practice the verb ESTAR with the pop song Si no estás. Includes a clozeline activity and exercises to use ESTAR to express emotions, actions and location.
Spanish Verb Conjugation ESTAR: Printable Spanish Poster and Handout
Reinforce the Spanish verb conjugation ESTAR in the present with these printable posters and a handout for your students. In letter, legal & tabloid sizes.
VERBA: Free Printable Spanish Card Game
We have a free PDF for you to print out and use for a card game in your classroom. The kids will love it! Nothing to buy, sign up for, or tweet. Before we share the PDF, I want to ask for a quick moment to explain who shared it with us and to present […]
Spanish Verb Conjugation SER: Printable Spanish Poster and Handout
Reinforce the Spanish verb conjugation SER in the present with these printable posters and a handout for your students.
Explain the Cinco de Mayo History to Students in the United States: Video and Worksheet
Spanish teachers can discuss Cinco de Mayo history in class with this video. A PDF with questions about Cinco de Mayo is provided to go with the video.
¿Dónde están corazón? by Coti: Spanish Song to Practice Questions With DÓNDE, ADÓNDE and DE DÓNDE
Practice Spanish questions with DÓNDE, ADÓNDE and DE DÓNDE using the Spanish song ¿Dónde están corazón? by Coti. Includes cloze activity and much more.
6 Spanish Songs for Kids to Sing Along With
Looking for some great Spanish song for kids? These 7 songs all have great lyrics and a catchy tune that make teaching different Spanish words and concepts simple and fun. Any of these songs would pair nicely with a lesson plan or simple sing-along play time. 6 Spanish Songs for Kids to Sing Along With […]
5 Ideas to Teach Your Kids Spanish During the Summer
These easy activities and games will help you teach your kids Spanish during the summer no matter if you go on a trip or stay at home.
Vendo mi casa cantando by Abraham Sevilla Serrano: Spanish Song to Practice the Rooms of the House and the Verb TENER
With the Spanish song Vendo Mi Casa Cantando your students will practice the rooms of the house vocabulary and the verb TENER in the present tense.
4 Basic Strategies for Teaching Spanish Verbs
Check out these strategies for teaching Spanish verbs that include activity and game ideas for each one.
¿Adónde vas? by Jarabe de Palo: Spanish Song to Practice the Verb IR in the Present
Practice the verb IR in Spanish with the song ¿Adónde vas? by Jarabe de Palo. Includes cloze activity and sentence construction with the form VOY + A.
Spanish Teaching Guide for Substitute Teachers
Use this Spanish teaching guide with ideas and examples to create activities for when a substitute teacher needs to cover your Spanish class.