When people ask me how they can learn to speak Spanish, I often here the excuse that they don’t have any money to get started. The reality is there are a whole ton of free resources online for you to learn Spanish. However, there’s also another way. To learn to speak Spanish you can earn […]
Translating SIN LA SOGA Y SIN LA CABRA Spanish Phrase to English
Translating a Spanish Phrase to English: SIN LA SOGA Y SIN LA CABRA Literal: To remain without the rope and without the goat Definition: A person that tries to take or grab too much, and ends up with nothing Similar Spanish Phrases: Quedarse sin el plato y la comida Equivalent in English: Bite off more […]
Learn Spanish in Puerto Rico: Immersion Program ISLA
A while ago Jared published Speaking Latino’s most controversial post ever –Should You Learn Spanish in Puerto Rico?– where he questions if Puerto Rico is a good destination to learn Spanish. Obviously that is his opinion and I (and many others readers) don’t agree with it. So, now is my time to share my point […]
11 Spanish Words for DRINKING STRAW: Infographic
If you are looking for how do you say drinking straw in Spanish the easiest word to start with is pajita, used in Spain and a few other countries. However, beware! pajita in other countries can be a vulgar term and does not mean straw. More on that below. How you say straw in Spanish is […]
5 Student-approved Classroom Games to Learn Spanish
5 Student-approved Classroom Games to Learn Spanish from Speaking Latino We all know that students always look forward to playing games in the classroom. It is usually the very first question they ask upon entering class. Let’s face it, as teachers we like them too since they can be so effective and engaging. There are […]
Decoding a Cuban Menu: 14 Cuban Spanish Food Words And Dishes
Some time ago, Jared and I took a food tour in Little Havana, Miami. The experience was great because we were able to taste the wonderful Cuban food and learn about the history of Little Havana. Since I’m Puerto Rican I knew I was going to find many similar ingredients, such as the plantain, the […]
How to Say AMERICAN With 9 Spanish and Spanish Slang Words: Infographic
If we want to make a list of demonyms in Spanish and cover all the Spanish-speaking countries we could list some examples such as: Puerto Ricans are called Puertorriqueños or Boricuas, Costa Ricans are know by Costa Ricans or Ticos and the Nicaraguans are Nicaraguences or Nicas. But when Latinos refer to Americans, the list […]
VENDER UN BUZÓN: Argentina Spanish Slang Expression
Have you heard the expression vender un buzón in Argentina? The Argentina Spanish expression vender un buzón literally translates to “to sell a mailbox” and means to cheat or scam someone. Similar English idioms are “pull the wool over their eyes” and “to sell someone the Brooklyn Bridge.” So, what’s the story behind this Argentine […]
Non-Verbal Peruvian Spanish Slang Expressions: 9 Common Gestures Infographic and Videos
Non-verbal expressions are part of the slang you need to incorporate in you language learning. Just as oral language, gestures varies among countries. In my recent trip to Peru I had the opportunity to chat with some locals in a Spanish language institute and they came out with nine common gestures used in Peru. […]
ME CAGO EN NA: Puerto Rican Spanish Slang Expression
The Puerto Rican Spanish slang expression me cago en ná (pronounced me ca we ná) is one of the most common swear phrases you will hear from the mouths of locals. Me cago en ná is the colloquial pronunciation of me cago en nada and it’s a mild expression that means “dam!” or “shit!” Puerto […]
4 Multi-Country Spanish Slang Dictionaries to Improve Your Vocabulary
If you work or live in a multi-cultural environment you probably experience difficulty understanding what other people say. Do not worry, this happens even with native Spanish-speakers! There are dictionaries that collect colloquial vocabulary from several countries in one book. These are ideal to compare meanings of a word and know which countries share it. […]
ANDAR A LO GRINGO: Chile Spanish Slang Expression
Many of you know my story: I am a gringo that learned Spanish as an adult and ended up living in Latin America for more than a decade… Chile was one of those stops. So, when I heard the Chile Spanish slang expression andar a lo gringo I thought it was a funny one. This […]
16 Venezuela Spanish Slang Terms About Politics
This year has been very controversial in Venezuelan politics with the elections after the death of President Hugo Chavez. When all this was happening, I was reviewing the books Quick Guide to Venezuelan Spanish and Quick Guide to More Venezuelan Spanish. Among the words that caught my attention were several colloquialisms related to politics, government […]
25 Goofy Spanish Similes with the Word NUN
One of the funniest types of Spanish language idioms are the ones that uses similes or comparisons. The Wikipedia definition of a simile is “a figure of speech that directly compares two things through some connective, usually like, as, than, or a verb such as resembles.” The use of a nun or monja as a […]
Puerto Rican Spanish: RIVERSA or REVERSA?
Take a look at the photo of this sign I took recently in Puerto Rico that reads NO ESTACIONE EN RIVERSA. Instead of riversa the correct Spanish word should be reversa. The use of the word riversa is a good example that shows two characteristics of the Puerto Rican Spanish: 1. The use of words […]
8 Mexican Spanish Slang Words for Places and People
Demonym or gentilic is the name given to people living in a village, town, city or country. Usually it is derived from the name of the same town. For example, the demonym of the people from Mexico is Mexican. While reading the books Quick Guide to Mexican Spanish and Quick Guide to More Mexican Spanish […]
Free Printable List of School Supplies in Spanish and English: 36 Basic Items
This printable list of school supplies in Spanish and English is as an example of the Spanish vocabulary diversity. Many items have different Spanish names.
LIKE A FISH OUT OF WATER: English Phrase in Spanish
Have you ever felt out of place? If you want to express that feeling in Spanish you can use the phrase “fuera de lugar.” But that phrase sound a bit formal and serious. Here are two ways you can translate “like a fish out of water” maintaining the English phrase in Spanish. 1. Como sapo […]
Need a Mexican Spanish Slang to English Dictionary? Here Are 3 Bilingual Options
If you are traveling to Mexico to study or live you will need extra help with their local vocabulary even if you are already fluent in Spanish. Spanish vocabulary changes significantly from one country to the next and Mexico is not the exception. Yet, few people learn about this until they are in a country, […]
TRAGARSE UN TONY: Chile Spanish Slang Expression
Did you know that the Chile Spanish slang word for a clown is tony? Yep! What in standard Spanish is know as payaso, Chileans refer to as tony. You will need to know that local Chilean word to understand the Chile Spanish slang expression tragarse un tony which means dying of laughter, literally “to swallow […]
The Spanish Slang Meanings of CHUPI: Thalía’s Spanish Children Book Character
Last week Mexican singer Thalía announced that she will publish her first children’s book this year. The book –available in November 2013- is called Chupi: El binky que regresó a su hogar (Chupi: The Binky That Returned Home). The story and the character Chupi were created to help parents take away the pacifier from their […]
Spanish Idiomatic Expression CUANDO LAS GALLINAS MEAN in English
Cuando las gallinas mean is a common Spanish idiomatic expression generally said to children when they speak when they are not supposed to. The full Spanish saying goes los niños hablan cuando las gallinas mean and literally translates to “children talk when hens piss.” For anyone that doesn’t know hens doen’t pee and this phrase […]
Colombian Spanish Street Slang: 7 Phrases and Their Surprising Real Meaning
It is often said that Colombian Spanish is the clearest, or easiest to understand for non-native speakers. However, with so many different accents within the country this is not always true. Despite the different cadences and slang words used across the different regions of Colombia there are certain Colombian Spanish street slang phrases that remain […]
MAZAMORRA: Spanish Language Word for Cooked Corn
In Colombia, I ran across this can of what should be corn cooked in sort way. It’s just hard to tell from the picture. It turns our that mazamorra is a common Spanish language word in Latin America and is basically a maize-based dish with a thick consistency, probably something close to creamed-corn. The preparation […]
Celebrate El Día E and The Spanish Language Day
Spanish is the second language in the world in number of native speakers, the second language of international communication (more than 500 million people speak it), and the third most used language on the Internet. To celebrate this vast wealth of Spanish culture, the Instituto Cervantes organizes for the fifth time El Día E, a […]
Bilingual Story Books: 5 Children Books in Spanish and English
Hispanics are 16.7% of total population of the United Sates, making them the nation’s largest ethnic or race minority. If you are part of that statistic, you are one of the 52 million Latinos that make the United States the second-largest Spanish-speaking country in the world. Unfortunately, there is also the risk of future generations […]
Spanish Language Practice Tests: Learn Your Spanish Level
If you have been taking Spanish classes or lessons for a while and are wondering how are you doing, check this out. Our friends from don Quijote Spanish Courses have put together these online Spanish language practice tests for you to measure your improvement. The practice tests are quick and consist of a short paragraph […]
The Best Book for Learning Spanish Vocabulary
The Best Book for Learning Spanish Vocabulary: Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish First Publish date: 1951 Pages: 496 Author: Margarita Madrigal Over 60 years after it’s first publication, Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish by Margarita Madrigal still may be the best book for learning Spanish vocabulary ever published. The premise of Madrigal’s book is that […]
10 Easy English-Spanish Words You Can Add to Your Vocabulary Today
When I was reading the book Spanish Word Histories and Mysteries: English Words That Come From Spanish I learned the following fact about English-Spanish words: After French, Latin and Old English, “Spanish is one of the most important ingredients in English vocabulary.” I knew that there were Spanish words in the English language, but I […]
7 Spanish Comic Book Characters from Latin America
Comics were popularized in the United States in the 30’s. From political and social strips to the action comics featuring iconic super heroes, from the beginning there has been a broad variety titles for all ages. Latin America is also active in this so called “Ninth Art” and give us a lot of characters that […]