Cuban Spanish is not commonly heard outside Cuba. Sure there are tons of Cubans and Cuban descendants living in the US, Puerto Rico and other countries, but after 30-50 years outside of Cuba, their Spanish should have differences with the Spanish currently used in Cuba. Here is a list of common Spanish slang words still […]
Learn Spanish by Country: For Intermediate and Advanced Spanish Speakers
Are you feeling confident in your beginner level Spanish skills? Ready to take the next step? Excellent! The next step for you is to learn Spanish slang that is specific to certain regions and countries. Did you know that Spanish changes significantly from one country to another? If not, you’re in for a surprise. Not […]
Resources to Learn Cuban Spanish Slang
Articles, websites, mobile apps, newspapers, flashcards and other resources to use as a reference to learn Cuba Spanish and slang. Check out this mega collection of resources to learn basic Spanish and Spanish slang. This extensive collection of resources to learn Spanish and how to speak Spanish save hours and hours of your time on your way to achieving Spanish fluency.
10 Vulgar Spanish Slang Words and Phrases from Peru: Infographic
If you are in the process of learning Spanish and plan to travel to Peru, keep in mind the following list of dirty Spanish slang words and phrases. It is good to know them in case you are insulted or want to insult somebody. These 10 sayings from Peru are too strong to be taught […]
Infographic: 25 Colombia Spanish Slang Phrases for Students
This is the infographic for the guest blog post The Colombian List of Spanish Slang Expressions Every Student Should Know by Emilia Carrillo. If you find it useful, please share, like or pin it for your friends. Infographic: 25 Colombia Spanish Slang Phrases for Students Did you like this? Click here to share it on: […]
CHONTADURO and SALMUERA: Colombia Spanish Words
This was an interesting word-find for me. I had never heard of chontaduro or salmuera until I ran across this jar of preserved fruit. Good think the jar itself offered translations. Problem is, I don’t know what a “palm fruit” is in English either. Hopefully I can taste one soon. As for salmuera, which means […]
FRITURAS: The Illustrated Puerto Rican Spanish Guide to Fried Food
If you are talking about frituras (fried treats) you are talking about Puerto Rico. And if you are talking about the frituras de Puerto Rico, you are taking about Los Kioskos de Luquillo. The other day I spent some time at this iconic place on the northeast coast of Puerto Rico. The legendary Luquillo’s Kiosks […]
Hanging Out in a Spanish Speaking Country? 3 Spanish Language Expressions to Go Out On The Town
When you tell someone you are going out with friends, on a date, or have an appointment in English, there are a few different ways to convey each sentiment. Spanish is no different. Here are some basics Spanish words and phrases that will help you sound more natural. Going out / leaving the house When […]
Learn Spanish: 4 Meanings of SAVE in Spanish
While in English we use the word “to save” to refer to many different things, there are 4 basic Spanish words to cover the different meanings. 1. Save in Spanish: Salvar Salvar means to rescue, to recover or to save from extinction. For example: El hombre salvó al niño que estaba ahogando. The man saved […]
Spanish Slang Video: A Song that Exposes the Frustration of Learning Spanish
So to some degree Spanish is in fact easier than most languages. Except for one major component that people do not discuss. Spanish changes significantly from one country to the next. And after 15 years of Spanish study, it still baffles me why NOBODY TALKS ABOUT THIS. As a foreigner learning Spanish you are not […]
10 Interesting Facts About Cuba: History
Cuban history is riddled with wars, rebellions, revolutions, and governmental disputes. Here are 10 interesting facts about Cuba’s history. 10 Interesting Facts About Cuba: History 1. The US attempted to invade Cuba several times. In 1848, they decided to give up and offered Spain $100 million dollars for Cuba, but the offer was rejected. 2. […]
Argentina Blue Dollar Exchange Rate
What is the Argentina Blue Dollar? In Argentina the currency is known as the peso. This peso trades against the US Dollar and other currencies at a rate that is monitored and controlled closely by the Argentine government. This is to keep as much of the country’s dollar reserves as possible. The government currently employs […]
Navidad en Puerto Rico: Plano Arquitectónico del Lechón a la Varita
Preparar un lechón a la varita es una de las tradiciones de Navidad en Puerto Rico. El lechón a la vara no es solamente una costumbre culinaria puertorriqueña, sino una de las representaciones más comunes de la Navidad boricua ya que se disfruta en una gran fiesta de familia y amigos. A los puertorriqueños nos […]
7 Tips to Learn Easy Spanish with Your iPhone for Free
If you are in the process of learning Spanish and own an iPhone, try to use it in your favor. This handheld powerful mini-computer (a.k.a smart phone) can help you learn easy Spanish while on the go. Statistics indicate that “the average smartphone owner spends 128 minutes, or over 2 hours, looking at their phones […]
Learn Spanish: 4 Meanings of PLAY in Spanish
There are several basic Spanish words that translate “play” and each of them has their own specific use. This quick post will give you a general understanding of the different meanings of “play” in Spanish. 1. To play means tocar Tocar can also mean “to touch” but in this particular case, tocar is used when […]
10 Interesting Facts About Cuba: Politics
Cuba is best known for its politics. Whether that is a good or bad thing is certainly up for debate. Cuba is an Independent Socialist Republic with only one political party, the Cuban Communist Party. Here’s some interesting facts about Cuba’s politics. 1. Fidel Castro was the longest serving head of government, serving from 1976 […]
9 Musical Instruments Used in Puerto Rican Parrandas [PHOTOS]
Parranda, trulla, asalto… all these Spanish words are synonyms for the same thing in Puerto Rico: a group of people that show up at a house the night singing traditional Christmas songs and having a party. While in other countries parranda is a word meaning to go out to party, in Puerto Rico it is […]
6 Alcoholic Drinks from Colombia That You Need to Try
If you should ever find yourself in Colombia, do not forgo the opportunity to sample at least one of the following drinks. Your trip would not be complete without this experience, and partaking in a couple of rounds is the quickest way to befriend a Colombian. Need to Learn Colombian Spanish? I recommend you check […]
Spanglish Music Playlist: 13 Popular English Spanish Songs
It is a fact that English is the language that most influences Spanish today. On the other hand, Spanish has more native speakers than English, so the blend among these two languages is inevitable… Spanglish! Spanish mixed with English in music has been around for decades. At least since Doris Day’s 1956 singing of Que […]
Argentina Accent Pronunciation Videos
Videos to Learn an Argentina Accent in Spanish Here are four videos that teach and demonstrate an Argentina Accent in Spanish. The first three are a mini-course to an Argentine Accent while the last video is a humorous impression by an American of an accent from Argentina. Course of Three Videos that Teach an Argentine […]
13 Random Fun Facts About Cuba: Infographic
Cuba is usually known for its complicated and controversial politics, but this country has plenty of other interesting, fun facts that have nothing to do with the Castro family or a tumultuous political past. Let’s discover the most interesting Cuba fun facts! 1. Home to The Cuban Bee Hummingbird The Cuban bee hummingbird is the […]
Puerto Rican Spanish: An Interview With Luz Nereida Pérez
Today Puerto Rico commemorates the date when Christopher Columbus arrived to the Island in 1493. Referring to this historical event as a “discovery” has become controversial recently. A “discovery” or not, we can say without any doubt that this was the date that Borikén –native name of the island of Puerto Rico- met the Spanish […]
English to Spanish Conversion of 14 Movie Titles That Went Wrong
When it comes to translations, there is always room for error. I won’t even begin to talk about some of the terrible dubbing or subtitling I have seen – but let’s look at some titles. You’d think the people in charge of these things would be a little more focused on conveying the right message, […]
10 Vulgar Spanish Slang Words Used in the Wrong Place
There are many Spanish slang words that are completely okay in one place, and a total disaster in another. These are some prime examples of when you might be using the right word, in the wrong place. 10 Vulgar Spanish Slang Words Used in the Wrong Place 1. Pichar In Puerto Rico, pichar simply means […]
13 Cool and Interesting Facts About Mexico Day of the Dead INFOGRAPHIC
The traditional Mexican holiday of Day of the Dead or Día de los Muertos has become more prominent in recent times. Why is there a celebration for death? Aren’t we supposed to be sad? Is the Day of the Dead related to Halloween? Why don’t they combine both holidays? What is the relation of the […]
Argentine Slang in Reverse: VESRE
In Argentine slang the word vesre comes from the Spanish word for reverse, revés, after moving around a few letters. Just as the word vesre, other words are made by switching around letters. These words are now so common in Argentina that they may be used more than the “real” word. For this reason, it […]
MEZCAL and TEQUILA: What’s the Difference?
Chances are, when you think of Mexican liquor, you think of tequila, and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, tequila is not the only liquor made is Mexico – there is also what is considered tequila’s brother- mezcal. Mezcal is made from the maguey plant, which is a form of agave. The reason mezcal is […]
Search Speaking Latino and Lists of Spanish Slang Words
Speaking Latino includes a database of Spanish slang words. Search thousands of words and phrases in the Speaking Latino Spanish slang dictionary. Browse by country or by letter. Use the search box to look for more words and articles.
Learning Spanish, Culture and Language: 26 SANTERÍA Vocabulary Words
Santería is a religion that merges beliefs from Roman Catholic Christianity and Yoruba. It is practiced mostly in West Africa and the Caribbean. Many Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, and Cubans practice Santería. Like any religion, it has unique rituals, ceremonies, and, of course, vocabulary. Here’s a quick guide to some of the words you might encounter […]
TENER LAS BOLAS POR EL PISO And Other Argentine Spanish Expressions With the Verb TENER
Conjugate Argentine Spanish Verbs: TENER The common verb TENER plays an important role in Argentine Spanish with over 15 variations. Here is how to conjugate it in Argentina using the Vos conjugation so common to the country. After, a list of the various phrases using TENER along with their meanings is included: Present Tense Yo […]