The Argentina Vos conjugation is used for the second personal, singular verb conjugations. This is the “you” form, or tu in most other Spanish countries, as in You need to buy a book or Tienes que comprar un libro. The Argentine Vos equivalent is Tenés que comprar un libro. Understanding Vos is important if you […]
4 Confusing Puerto Rican Spanish Slang Words: BICHO, BICHA, BICHERÍA and BICHOTE
Although the Spanish slang words from Puerto Rico bicho, bicha, bichería, and bichote seem to have the same “root” they don’t mean the same. For foreigners this will be confusing to the point that I consider them “false friends”. The two similarities these four words have are the root bich- and that they all have […]
Lunfardo English Dictionary Websites
Unfortunately Lunfardo English Dictionary websites are not common on the internet (for a quick introduction to Argentina Lunfardo check out this What is Lunfardo? article.) Here is a list of some good websites that provide detailed information of Argentina lunfardo and slang. There are sections for Argentina-English websites as well as Spanish-only websites. Lunfardo […]
Argentina Spanish Slang: What is Lunfardo?
What is Lunfardo? Lunfardo is a term that refers to Spanish slang words and phrases used in Argentina. Lunfa is the quick way to say it. A debate exists about whether Lunfardo refers to any Argentina slang or if it only applies to the original terms that began Lunfardo in the late 19th and early […]
3 Regional Peru Spanish Characteristics
Perú, like in the wide variety of food that it offers, also has different regional accents. People in the Highland areas, people in the north, people in the south and people from the Jungle each have their own accent. Peruvian Accent in the Highland Areas Emphasis on the S: One main characteristic is that the […]
2 Ways Náhuatl Helped Shape Nicaragua Spanish
Although the term náhuatl is often associated with Mexican Spanish, it is very influential in Nicaragua as well. Náhuatl is not one language, but a collection of dialects and languages of the Nahua people. These people migrated from Mexico as far south as Nicaragua, and their influence is still seen in Nicaragua today in the […]
Spanish Language and the Media: 27 Headlines With Spanish Slang
This is the second part of our series Slang in the News where we share Spanish slang examples from newspapers around Latin America. In this post of headlines from September, I identify 29 Spanish slang words from 27 newspaper front covers. Using slang in headlines makes them catchy and appealing to the masses. Writing a […]
Spanish-Argentina Relations
Close Cultural Ties Between Spain &and Argentina Historically the Spanish-Argentina relationship has been close yet at times also with problems. Immigration and emigration between the two countries is constant. Whenever Argentina falls into a crisis many people apply for visas and passports to Spain. Since immigration has been constant for 150 years between both countries […]
A List of Spanish Slang Expressions Using CHINGAR: 22 Mexican Spanish Examples
There are a lot of books about Mexican Spanish, but there is one exclusively dedicated to the word CHINGAR. The book El Chingonario: Diccionario de uso, reuso y abuso del chingar y sus derivados published by Editorial Otras Inquisiciones includes about 150 sayings with definitions and examples. This book was a recommendation from a Mexican […]
CHINGAR: The Most Important Mexican Spanish Slang Word
The verb chingar is known throughout Latin America, but there is no other country that uses and abuses this word like Mexico. Chingar is the most important word in Mexico. Here is the official dictionary definition by the Royal Spanish Academy versus the Mexican Spanish meaning of chingar. Chingar according to the Royal Spanish Academy […]
5 Ways to Lose the Gringo Accent in Spanish
You can study Spanish for years and still maintain that pesky gringo accent. Even if your grammar is perfect, if your accent is off, you’re going to have problems. The best-case scenario is that the gringo accent will be distracting, while the worst case is that it will be so off that native speakers will […]
10 Colombian Drinks You Must Try Before You Leave
If you are traveling through Colombia, you are in for quite a treat whenever you happen to get thirsty. This country has a wide variety of traditional drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Here’s 10 must-try drinks! 5 Non-alcoholic Colombian drinks 1. Coffee Who can think of Colombia without thinking of coffee? Even if you generally […]
ORALE meaning In Spanish? (And How To Respond)
Yes! This is a great question because órale in Spanish is one of those versatile Mexican slang words that can mean a few different things. Generally órale in Mexican Spanish means got it, okay, no problem or something similar. What does ¡Órale! mean? You will see and hear this word everywhere from comedian Gabriel Iglesias […]
Should You Learn French and Spanish?
Many people come to a point in their education when they question if they should learn French and Spanish. While I am obviously a bit biased, I truly believe that in most cases, you should learn Spanish since it makes more sense. Here are some of my arguments as to why. 1. The Spanish pronunciation […]
Hispanic Heritage Month: 10 Amazing Facts About Hispanics in the United States & Video
The Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated each year in the United States as a recognition of the contributions that the Hispanic Americans have made for the development of our Nation. What started in 1968 as a one-week celebration, nowadays is a full month from September 15th through October 15th. The selection of these specific dates […]
Spanish Words for Bathroom and Bathroom Components: INFOGRAPHIC
One of the first things you learn in a foreign language is how to ask where the bathroom is. I’m sure many people who speak only minimal Spanish can spit out the word baño while they frantically dance about, showing their urgency. While baño will generally get you what you want, it’s certainly not the […]
Which Are the First 3 Puerto Rican Spanish Words Kids Learn to Read?
When I started learning to read at 5 or 6 years old we used the traditional Cartilla Fonética or a phonetics booklet. The Cartilla Fonética is a tool used at school to teach the name and particular sound of each letter, how to make the consonant and vowels liaison to form syllables and how to […]
The Illustrated Guide To Peruvian Food: 9 Dishes You Need To Try
My first real exposure to Latin American culture occurred one day in Washington, DC w hen Nora, a Peruvian friend, walked me two blocks from our office to a small Peruvian restaurant, El Chalán. In the basement of a huge townhouse, only those in the know would ever even have noticed the place. The waiters […]
6 Inverse Colombia Spanish Slang Words
One of the particularities you can get in the slang of a country is the phenomenon of creating new words by inverting or changing the order of the original. These new inverted words keep the same meaning as the original one. Argentina was the first country where Jared identified 24 inverted words and dedicated a […]
EN PAMPA Y LA VÍA: Argentina Spanish Slang Expression
The phrase en pampa y la via is an Argentina Spanish slang expression that means poor and penniless. While in the book Speaking Argento: A Guide to Argentine Spanish I am more focused on translating and explaining these types of sayings into English, I was curious about the origin of this phrase. Sergio Vázquez in […]
COJONES: 33 Phrases With the Most Important Spanish Slang Word in Spain
According to the Royal Spanish Academy a cojón is a testicle and cojones is an interjection used to express diverse moods, especially surprise, something odd or anger. This a polite way of translating cojones. The Real World Spanish translation is a guy’s nuts or balls. The renowned Spanish author and journalist Arturo Pérez Reverte wrote […]
The Peruvian Bar: 7 Alcoholic Drinks from Peru You Must Try
Just like any other country, the drinks available in Peru reflect local customs, history and available ingredients. Experiencing the country through these drinks will not only be fun, but will also give you a better understanding of Peru and its people. The Peruvian Bar: 7 Alcoholic Drinks from Peru You Must Try 1. Pisco sour […]
Traveling to Peru? Examples of Peruvian Etiquette
Welcome to Perú. So you speak Spanish? Do you know how to thrive with it in Perú? Peruvians are a strong willed people, yet they also are extremely relaxed. Life in Perú is centered on the the family. These are some of the Peruvian characteristics. Greetings If you are a woman meeting a man for […]
Is There a Correct Spanish Language?
With so many different Spanish speaking countries, how can one determine what “correct” Spanish is? A while back, I wrote an article called The Dialect Divide: Argentina vs. Puerto Rico, which addresses some of the differences in the Spanish I speak and the Spanish my Puerto Rican boyfriend speaks. This is a deeper look at […]
5 Ways to Start an Argument with an Argentine
Every country has its soft spots, and Argentina is no exception. Here are a few ways to easily provoke an Argentine into a heated argument. 1. Say Pelé is better than Maradona Edson Arantes do Nascimiento a.k.a. Pelé and Diego Maradona are both world-renowned soccer legends. The difference is, Pelé is Brazilian and Maradona […]
4 Grammar Hints to Speak Spanish Like a Spaniard
Every Spanish-speaking country has its own unique way of speaking the Spanish language. Here are some tips on how to speak Spanish like a Spaniard. 1. Use the vosotros form If you studied Spanish in school, you have probably at least heard of the vosotros form. However, most teachers brush over it and never really […]
The Check List of 10 Mexican Foods You Must Try Before Leaving
If you think Mexican food has anything to do with the Tex-Mex and Mexican-American stuff you are used to- you are in for quite a delicious surprise. Mexico has some incredible, traditional dishes that have no relation to “Mexican” food in the US. Here are 10 foods you can’t leave Mexico without trying. 1. Tamales […]
PURA VIDA: The Most Important Costa Rica Spanish Expression
Although “pura” means “pure” and “vida” means “life,” the phrase “pura vida” can be translated in many ways such as “full of life,” “this is real living,” “this is the life,” “awesome” or even a greeting or goodbye. It’s a simple phrase that is used constantly in the country of Costa Rica. If you know […]
List of Spanish Slang Expressions from Peru: 13 Examples to Sound Like a Local
Learning a language is only the first step to sounding like a local. What does that mean for you? You thought that learning the textbook intonations, pronunciations and general directions were going to get you in the “local” club? Think again, the only way to mesh with the locals is to understand their dialects and […]
65 Spanish Slang Words for Vagina
Warning: This post includes an incredible volume of words that are not suitable for young eyes. Senator Mitt Romney once visited Miami as a quick stop on his presidential campaign. Part of the media tour included an interview for Radio Mabí with Carlos Santana. The nine-minute phone interview ended with giggles from Santana and the […]