A book for learning Spanish from Chile with over 2,000 words explained in English, 29 illustrations, sections on Chilean gestures, pronunciation & grammar. Spanish vocabulary changes significantly from one country to the next. Yet, few people learn about this until they are in a country, stumbling through the local Spanish slang.
Chilean Spanish
Chilean Spanish has a great deal of distinctive slang and vocabulary. Some examples of distinctive Chilean slang include gallo/a (guy/gal), fome (boring), pololear (to go out as girlfriend/boyfriend), pelambre (gossip), poto (buttocks), quiltro (mutt) and chomba (knitted sweater). In addition, several words in Chilean Spanish are borrowed from neighboring Amerindian languages.
In Chile, there are few differences between the Spanish spoken in the Northern, Central and Southern areas of the country, although there are notable differences in zones like Aysén, Magallanes, (in the border with Argentina) Chiloé, or Arica (especially in their accent).
The verbal voseo combined with the pronoun tú -for example: tú sabís, tú tenís, tú hablái, tú vivís, etc.- is the kind of voseo is the predominant form used in the spoken language. - Source: Wikipedia
Here are all our articles about Chilean Spanish slang, language, dictionaries, expressions, culture, and other general topics:
The Illustrated Chile Spanish Guide to Breads
Chile Spanish: The Illustrated Chilean Guide to Breads from Speaking Latino One of the linguistic challenges a person faces is how to translate the untranslatable. For some words there is a quick explanation, such as hummus or hommus. Anyone who does not know this food would probably understand chick pea or garbanzo bean puree, […]
HUEVEAR: The Most Important Chile Spanish Slang Word
When learning a language look for words that can increase your vocabulary in leaps with little effort. For example, the word taco in Spanish can mean 1) a pool stick, or 2) the heel of a shoe. In Chile it can also mean 3) a notepad or paper for writing notes, or 4) a traffic […]
4 Non-Verbal Chile Spanish Expressions: Gestures To Go Native Chilean
The following post is an excerpt from my book Speaking Chileno: A Guide to the Spanish of Chile. Launched in Chile in 2010, this book quickly became a bestseller. Now for the first time it is available outside of Chile in paperback and eBook Kindle. How To Speak Like a Chilean Part 3 | […]
6 Pronunciation Tips to Speak Chilean Spanish
The following post is an excerpt from my book Speaking Chileno: A Guide to the Spanish of Chile. Launched in Chile in 2010, this book quickly became a bestseller. Now for the first time it is available outside of Chile in paperback and eBook Kindle. This is the second of three posts on How To […]
6 Grammar Hints to Speak Chilean Spanish
The following post is an excerpt from my book Speaking Chileno: A Guide to the Spanish of Chile. Launched in Chile in 2010, this book quickly became a bestseller. Now for the first time it is available outside of Chile in paperback and eBook Kindle. This is the first of three posts on How To […]
Football / Soccer Terms in Spanish from Speaking Chileno Featured at I Love Chile Magazine
A clip from I Love Chile magazine featuring a list of football soccer terms in Spanish used in Chile from the book Speaking Chileno by Jared Romey.
Filler Words and Other Common Chile Spanish Slang Phrases
Becoming fluent in a new language is a long process. If anyone tells you otherwise, it’s a lie. However, there are certain steps that will speed up the process or even trick people into thinking you are more fluent than is the case. We will call them hacks. And with this language hack people may […]
CAGAR: The Second Most Important Chile Spanish Slang Word
Certain words in a country turn out to be words that are heard daily, hourly and sometimes even every few minutes. Since these words are a fundamental part of the local language, learning them will quickly expand your vocabulary. They also have the added benefit of making you sound more like a local. HUEVEAR: The […]
EL HUASO: The Chilean Cowboy Infographic
An infographic that highlights some of the characteristics of the Chilean Huaso. It includes the name origin and the “huaso” attire elements.
Chilean Spanish Expression: ANDAR CON LA PIERNA
Here is an illustration of a common Chilean Spanish saying: andar con la pierna. This illustration is featured in the book Speaking Chileno: A Guide to Spanish from Chile. Chilean Spanish Saying: Andar con la pierna • Literal translation: to be with the leg • Meaning: to be accompanied by your significant other. The Diccionario […]
ANDAR CON EL CULO EN LAS MANOS: Chilean Spanish Expression
Here is another illustration from my book Speaking Chileno: A Guide to Spanish from Chile. This drawing illustrates the Chilean Spanish expression andar con el culo en las manos. Chilean Spanish Expression: (ANDAR) CON EL CULO EN LAS MANOS • Literal translation: to be with the ass in the hands (or similar “to be holding […]
2 Chilean Spanish Slang Expressions for Hangover
Check out these two Chilean Spanish slang expressions for a hangover. These illustrations are from my book Speaking Chileno: A Guide to Spanish from Chile. Cheers! 1. ANDAR CON EL HACHAZO • Literal translation: to be with the axe • Meaning: to have a bad hangover. • Example 1: “Tomé tanto anoche que voy a […]
VIDEO: How We Celebrated Fiestas Patrias in Chile
This video shows a collection of our best pictures and clips Fiestas Patrias in Chile. These visuals are from the 2013 fondas at Parque Inés de Suárez and Parque Padre Hurtado in Santiago, Chile. In 3 minutes you will see clips and photos of: 1. Huasos, the Chilean cowboys 2. Chilean Rodeo champions at the […]
Spanish Words for Money: 32 Chile Spanish Expressions
Spanish words used for money and finance are another set of words that are particular to every country. Each country develops their own phrases to express from financial solvency to brokenness. There are also words use to name the currency and other money related activities. Here is a list of 32 Chile Spanish expression about […]
Chilean Fiestas Patrias Celebration Check List: 9 Things to Do & Spanish Words to Remember
Chile commemorates their Fiestas Patrias on September 18th with a 3-day celebration that literally stops the city of Santiago for the whole week. But, what does it take to celebrate Chile’s Fiestas Patrias? Jared and I spent almost three weeks there to catch up with some of his friends and celebrate this important date. When […]
50 Food Words in Spanish: Chile Spanish Words Flash Cards
When traveling to Chile you need to take note of the particular food words in Spanish they use. This is crucial to decide what to order and to understand what you are about to eat. Here is a list of 50 food words in Spanish used in Chile presented in a “flash card power point […]
Chile Spanish Words: Clothing Words in Spanish Flashcards
One of the first things you will notice while traveling to different Spanish-speaking countries is that common words are not the same. This happens, for example, with clothing words in Spanish. Here we have listed 21 particular Chile Spanish words related to clothing. There are obviously more words, but these are the ones we thought […]
2 Meanings of HUASO in Chile Spanish
The Chile Spanish word huaso has two meanings: 1) a typical Chilean cowboy or country person. For example: Para las Fiestas Patrias los niños se visten de huasos en el colegio. 2) refers to someone uneducated, simple or out of touch with city life. For example: #Confesión: Soy tan huaso que tengo las mismas canciones […]
ANDAR A LO GRINGO: Chile Spanish Slang Expression
Many of you know my story: I am a gringo that learned Spanish as an adult and ended up living in Latin America for more than a decade… Chile was one of those stops. So, when I heard the Chile Spanish slang expression andar a lo gringo I thought it was a funny one. This […]
TRAGARSE UN TONY: Chile Spanish Slang Expression
Did you know that the Chile Spanish slang word for a clown is tony? Yep! What in standard Spanish is know as payaso, Chileans refer to as tony. You will need to know that local Chilean word to understand the Chile Spanish slang expression tragarse un tony which means dying of laughter, literally “to swallow […]
10 Vulgar Spanish Slang Words and Phrases from Chile: Infographic
Here is the third post in our series Phrases That Aren’t Taught In School. The first two for Puerto Rico and Argentina have already caused a furor. If you are interested in contributing to other posts in the series, send me a note to [email protected]/. Feel free to share these images. You can save this one […]