Hispanics are 16.7% of total population of the United Sates, making them the nation’s largest ethnic or race minority. If you are part of that statistic, you are one of the 52 million Latinos that make the United States the second-largest Spanish-speaking country in the world. Unfortunately, there is also the risk of future generations […]
The Best Book for Learning Spanish Vocabulary
The Best Book for Learning Spanish Vocabulary: Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish First Publish date: 1951 Pages: 496 Author: Margarita Madrigal Over 60 years after it’s first publication, Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish by Margarita Madrigal still may be the best book for learning Spanish vocabulary ever published. The premise of Madrigal’s book is that […]
10 Easy English-Spanish Words You Can Add to Your Vocabulary Today
When I was reading the book Spanish Word Histories and Mysteries: English Words That Come From Spanish I learned the following fact about English-Spanish words: After French, Latin and Old English, “Spanish is one of the most important ingredients in English vocabulary.” I knew that there were Spanish words in the English language, but I […]
41 Examples of Spanish Slang Words for GIRL
How many words for girl in Spanish? Check the Spanish slang for girl list used in Latin America & Spain that will give you the examples you are looking for. Spanish slang for girl is the fifth suggestion that Google gives you when you type in the phrase “Spanish slang for” in the search box. In English and in Spanish making reference to “a girl” can range from a newborn baby up to a women in her twenties.
Spanish Slang Words for COOL: 85 Words and Phrases
Learn the Spanish slang for cool with a list of words and expressions divided by different Spanish-speaking countries. Spanish has equivalents for “cool” and they vary among countries. Here I have grouped a couple of examples from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain and Venezuela.
18 Shades of White: Spanish Slang Words for WHITE PERSON
Spanish slang for white person is the third suggestion that Google gives you when you type in the phrase “Spanish slang for” in the search box. That makes it one of the most popular Spanish slang requests and here are some examples and the countries that use them.
Spanish Slang Words for WEED: 26 Names for MARIJUANA
A list of 26 examples of Spanish slang for weed or marijuana, plus 16 additional terms in Spanish for joint. In this particular case weed can have an innocent Spanish translation or be the slang for marijuana. In this article I am going to give you the list of words for both meanings.
53 Spanish Slang Words for FRIEND
If you want to blend with locals, you should check this list of examples of Spanish slang for friend and the countries that use them. Here is a list of a good amount of Spanish words used in Latin America to refer to a close friend or dude. All in one place!
What is JETA in Spanish? You might get punched or kissed – watch out!
There are two quick answers to “What is Jeta in Spanish?” It means someone’s face. It’s an insult of some kind. The insult depends on the country where you hear the word or related term. The Spanish slang word jeta is commonly known and used throughout Latin America. But you need to pay attention where […]
11 Videos of Alphabet Sign Language in Spanish
Sign language varies geographically and therefore there is no universal sign language. This means that mute people around the world learn different sign languages to communicate. In the case of the sign language in Spanish, it also varies by country which is the exact same thing that happens with spoken and written Spanish. Each country […]
The Spanish Sign Language Alphabet
Origin of the Spanish Sign Language Alphabet According to a document published by Cultura Sorda.eu, author Alejandro Oviedo indicates that “in most of the countries whose official languages are written with the Latin alphabet, deaf communities use the same manual alphabet. Although there are some differences between them, most manual settings used to represent the […]
7 Terms to Define Spanish Slang And Their Meanings
I started collecting and translating Spanish slang in 2003. I had already lived in Mexico, Chile and Argentina as well as traveled to other Spanish-speaking countries. When I arrived in Puerto Rico it amazed me how different the language was from the other countries I knew, even with the country changes I had already experienced. […]
Avoid These 4 Mistakes in Spanish: Language Learning Videos
The following set of videos were created by the Fundación de Español Urgente (Fundéu) and represent some common basic Spanish mistakes. Inglaterra, Reino Unido y Gran Bretaña no son lo mismo (England, United Kingdom and Great Britain are not the same) Estar «al norte» de un lugar no es estar «en el norte» (The difference […]
4 Short Spanish Language Learning Videos About Confusing Words
Today I will continue sharing more Spanish language learning videos from the Fundación de Español Urgente (Fundéu). The first set of videos that I shared recently were about numbers and numerals in Spanish. Now I have selected four videos of confusing Spanish words that can be tricky to even native speakers. In Spanish there are […]
5 Quick Spanish Language Learning Videos About Numbers
Spanish can be confusing, even for native speakers. When you have mastered counting in Spanish you will need to pay attention to other basic Spanish expression for fractions, numerals, percents, etc. The Fundación de Español Urgente (Fundéu) is a non-profit organization whose “main objective is to promote the proper use of Spanish in the media.” […]
The 8 Most Clever Spanish Slang Dictionary and Book Titles
Jared and I recently conducted a ton of research about Spanish slang books to put together our Resource Pages by Country and other projects that are coming soon. In the process of evaluating the content included there, I stumbled upon a couple of clever Spanish slang book titles that I think are worth sharing. The […]
Just Kidding! 25 Joke Related Spanish Words You Should Know
Broma or chiste is how to say joke in Spanish – these two words are often used interchangeably when talking about jokes or joking around and the laughing emoji means the same thing in every language. Latinos love to kid around and laugh as much as any other people and they have plenty of words […]
Learn Spanish: The 5 Ways to Say TO BECOME in Spanish
Saying ‘to become’ in Spanish can seem a bit daunting, as there isn’t just one single verb to cover all instances. In this guide, we will explore the key Spanish verbs that translate to ‘to become,’ providing you with clear explanations and usage examples to help you master this important aspect of the language. Let’s […]
Learn Spanish by Country: For Intermediate and Advanced Spanish Speakers
Are you feeling confident in your beginner level Spanish skills? Ready to take the next step? Excellent! The next step for you is to learn Spanish slang that is specific to certain regions and countries. Did you know that Spanish changes significantly from one country to another? If not, you’re in for a surprise. Not […]
Learn Spanish: 4 Meanings of SAVE in Spanish
While in English we use the word “to save” to refer to many different things, there are 4 basic Spanish words to cover the different meanings. 1. Save in Spanish: Salvar Salvar means to rescue, to recover or to save from extinction. For example: El hombre salvó al niño que estaba ahogando. The man saved […]
Spanish Slang Video: A Song that Exposes the Frustration of Learning Spanish
So to some degree Spanish is in fact easier than most languages. Except for one major component that people do not discuss. Spanish changes significantly from one country to the next. And after 15 years of Spanish study, it still baffles me why NOBODY TALKS ABOUT THIS. As a foreigner learning Spanish you are not […]
7 Tips to Learn Easy Spanish with Your iPhone for Free
If you are in the process of learning Spanish and own an iPhone, try to use it in your favor. This handheld powerful mini-computer (a.k.a smart phone) can help you learn easy Spanish while on the go. Statistics indicate that “the average smartphone owner spends 128 minutes, or over 2 hours, looking at their phones […]
Learn Spanish: 4 Meanings of PLAY in Spanish
There are several basic Spanish words that translate “play” and each of them has their own specific use. This quick post will give you a general understanding of the different meanings of “play” in Spanish. 1. To play means tocar Tocar can also mean “to touch” but in this particular case, tocar is used when […]
Spanglish Music Playlist: 13 Popular English Spanish Songs
It is a fact that English is the language that most influences Spanish today. On the other hand, Spanish has more native speakers than English, so the blend among these two languages is inevitable… Spanglish! Spanish mixed with English in music has been around for decades. At least since Doris Day’s 1956 singing of Que […]
English to Spanish Conversion of 14 Movie Titles That Went Wrong
When it comes to translations, there is always room for error. I won’t even begin to talk about some of the terrible dubbing or subtitling I have seen – but let’s look at some titles. You’d think the people in charge of these things would be a little more focused on conveying the right message, […]
10 Vulgar Spanish Slang Words Used in the Wrong Place
There are many Spanish slang words that are completely okay in one place, and a total disaster in another. These are some prime examples of when you might be using the right word, in the wrong place. 10 Vulgar Spanish Slang Words Used in the Wrong Place 1. Pichar In Puerto Rico, pichar simply means […]
Learning Spanish, Culture and Language: 26 SANTERÍA Vocabulary Words
Santería is a religion that merges beliefs from Roman Catholic Christianity and Yoruba. It is practiced mostly in West Africa and the Caribbean. Many Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, and Cubans practice Santería. Like any religion, it has unique rituals, ceremonies, and, of course, vocabulary. Here’s a quick guide to some of the words you might encounter […]
Spanish Language and the Media: 27 Headlines With Spanish Slang
This is the second part of our series Slang in the News where we share Spanish slang examples from newspapers around Latin America. In this post of headlines from September, I identify 29 Spanish slang words from 27 newspaper front covers. Using slang in headlines makes them catchy and appealing to the masses. Writing a […]
Should You Learn French and Spanish?
Many people come to a point in their education when they question if they should learn French and Spanish. While I am obviously a bit biased, I truly believe that in most cases, you should learn Spanish since it makes more sense. Here are some of my arguments as to why. 1. The Spanish pronunciation […]
Is There a Correct Spanish Language?
With so many different Spanish speaking countries, how can one determine what “correct” Spanish is? A while back, I wrote an article called The Dialect Divide: Argentina vs. Puerto Rico, which addresses some of the differences in the Spanish I speak and the Spanish my Puerto Rican boyfriend speaks. This is a deeper look at […]