If you are in the process of learning Spanish and own an iPhone, try to use it in your favor. This handheld powerful mini-computer (a.k.a smart phone) can help you learn easy Spanish while on the go. Statistics indicate that “the average smartphone owner spends 128 minutes, or over 2 hours, looking at their phones […]
Learn Spanish: 4 Meanings of PLAY in Spanish
There are several basic Spanish words that translate “play” and each of them has their own specific use. This quick post will give you a general understanding of the different meanings of “play” in Spanish. 1. To play means tocar Tocar can also mean “to touch” but in this particular case, tocar is used when […]
English to Spanish Conversion of 14 Movie Titles That Went Wrong
When it comes to translations, there is always room for error. I won’t even begin to talk about some of the terrible dubbing or subtitling I have seen – but let’s look at some titles. You’d think the people in charge of these things would be a little more focused on conveying the right message, […]
10 Vulgar Spanish Slang Words Used in the Wrong Place
There are many Spanish slang words that are completely okay in one place, and a total disaster in another. These are some prime examples of when you might be using the right word, in the wrong place. 10 Vulgar Spanish Slang Words Used in the Wrong Place 1. Pichar In Puerto Rico, pichar simply means […]
Learning Spanish, Culture and Language: 26 SANTERÍA Vocabulary Words
Santería is a religion that merges beliefs from Roman Catholic Christianity and Yoruba. It is practiced mostly in West Africa and the Caribbean. Many Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, and Cubans practice Santería. Like any religion, it has unique rituals, ceremonies, and, of course, vocabulary. Here’s a quick guide to some of the words you might encounter […]
Spanish Language and the Media: 27 Headlines With Spanish Slang
This is the second part of our series Slang in the News where we share Spanish slang examples from newspapers around Latin America. In this post of headlines from September, I identify 29 Spanish slang words from 27 newspaper front covers. Using slang in headlines makes them catchy and appealing to the masses. Writing a […]
Should You Learn French and Spanish?
Many people come to a point in their education when they question if they should learn French and Spanish. While I am obviously a bit biased, I truly believe that in most cases, you should learn Spanish since it makes more sense. Here are some of my arguments as to why. 1. The Spanish pronunciation […]
Is There a Correct Spanish Language?
With so many different Spanish speaking countries, how can one determine what “correct” Spanish is? A while back, I wrote an article called The Dialect Divide: Argentina vs. Puerto Rico, which addresses some of the differences in the Spanish I speak and the Spanish my Puerto Rican boyfriend speaks. This is a deeper look at […]
65 Spanish Slang Words for Vagina
Warning: This post includes an incredible volume of words that are not suitable for young eyes. Senator Mitt Romney once visited Miami as a quick stop on his presidential campaign. Part of the media tour included an interview for Radio Mabí with Carlos Santana. The nine-minute phone interview ended with giggles from Santana and the […]
Learn Spanish: 4 Meanings of HOT in Spanish
The word caliente means “hot” while the word calor means “heat.” It seems like saying “estoy caliente” would be the proper way to express that you are hot, as in, the temperature is high. Unfortunately these Spanish differences for non-native speakers are a common and embarrassing mistake. The word hot also have other possible translations. […]
A List of Spanish Slang Expressions for ANGRY: 12 Ways to Sound Like a Local
If you want to express angry in Spanish, enter that term in the search box of this page, and you’ll find 43 separate Real World Spanish terms, each of which conveys the idea of anger, becoming angry, or are colorful modismos (sayings) expressing sentiments of anger. A few of them are raunchily funny, for example […]
6 Spanish Slang Expressions With The Word CAT
Cats are cute and mysterious, loyal and traitorous, independent and loving. If you are a cat lover, here are six Spanish slang expressions or modismos that use cats as their central figure. Idiomatic expressions are an important part of the Spanish learning process and perhaps one of the most difficult. In many cases, popular sayings […]
4 Examples of Non-Verbal Slang: Spanish Language Without Words
You gotta be careful with slang. You have to be pretty darn confident with a language to correctly understand, let alone use, slang. Making errors using verbal slang is one thing. Often, what happens is that you are generally attempting to sound cool in that language, but with the slip of a vowel sound, you can […]
10 Most Shocking Things I Learned About English Pronunciation
This is the second article of the series English Pronunciation Challenges: What a Latina Learned in an Accent Reduction Class where I share some of the resources I used during my class. These “tools” includes books, apps and web pages that will help you during this process. Posts in this series: English Pronunciation Challenges for […]
Spanish Language: Learn Spanish Grammar With 4 Ways to Use the Preposition CON in Spanish
This post is part of the series Warming up for El Día E: Posts to Improve Your Spanish. El Día E is a world-wide celebration of the Spanish Language that will take place on June 23th, 2012. Posts in this series to celebrate El Día E: 1. Join the Celebration of El Día E 2. […]
Learn Spanish: Using the Verb HACER to Express Periods of Time
This post is part of the series Warming up for El Día E: Posts to Improve Your Spanish. El Día E is a world-wide celebration of the Spanish Language that will take place on June 23th, 2012. Posts in this series to celebrate El Día E: 1. Join the Celebration of El Día E 2. […]