Speaking Phrases BoricuaA Collection of Wisdom and Sayings from Puerto Rico discover the local languageSpeaking Phrases Boricua eBookThis follow-up to the Puerto Rican Spanish bestseller, Speaking Boricua, collects the unique Puerto Rican sayings that are passed down from generation to generation. Whether you are looking to share your life’s wisdom with Island friends, trying to […]
Speaking Boricua: A Book for Learning Spanish Vocabulary from Puerto Rico
This book for learning Spanish vocabulary from Puerto Rico is the most in-depth, up-to-date source of local Spanish, with over 1200 words translated to English. Spanish vocabulary changes significantly from one country to the next. Yet, few people learn about this until they are in a country, stumbling through the local Spanish slang.
These Kids Explain 13 Puerto Rican Spanish Words
My mom sent me this video recently. These are the 6-years-old vloggers Andres and Lucas showing us a great sample of Puerto Rican Spanish words. Irresistible to watch! The Puerto Rican Spanish words and phrases featured are: jincho: fair skin zafacón: trash can al garete: without direction jicotea: turtle mapo: mop jugo de china: orange juice ¡Qué jartera!: so stuffed (of food) […]
VIDEO: List of Spanish Slang Expressions About Money Used in Puerto Rico
Before you even step into a new country, money is one of the first topics you will become involved in. How much does my trip cost? How much money should I take? Will my ATM (otherwise known as ATH in Puerto Rico) card work? This video will have you prepped and ready to go for […]
Comay, Yerna, Chozno & Other Spanish Words for Family Members and Relatives: Infographic
As you learn a language, one of the major tasks is vocabulary acquisition. The more words you know, the better you communicate. Occasionally, you run across words that are not translatable, but for the most part words in one language have an equivalent in another. In the process of acquiring more vocabulary you will notice […]
Learning Spanish Slang: 9 Ways to Identify the Puerto Rico Accent and Pronunciation
This post is an excerpt from the Puerto Rican bestseller Speaking Boricua: A Practical Guide to Puerto Rican Spanish. Learning Spanish Slang: Pronunciation and Accent from Puerto Rico Puerto Rico, as in any other country in the world, has its own unique pronunciation for certain words, phrases and sounds. If you have only ever heard […]
Learn Puerto Rican Spanish Slang: Bad Words and Phrases and What to Say Instead
Life is not as simple as we wish. Sometimes things do not work out the way we planned. This is when colorful language flies and we use curse words/phrases to relieve stress. In this post I will teach you some useful Puerto Rican profanities, with a twist. I’m featuring seven swear phrases from my beloved […]
Puerto Rican Spanish Slang: The Origin of CANGRIMAN, FOSTRÓ, CHAVOS, ZAFACÓN and LIMBER
Ever stop to think how Spanish slang words develop? It’s a fun experience since their history will often teach you about major historical influences in a culture. These 5 Puerto Rican words do just that. A colony of Spain for 400 years, we Puerto Ricans adopted words that are still alive today. For example, we […]
11 Grammar Rules to Improve Your Puerto Rico Spanish
As in most countries, several unique grammar adaptations have appeared over the years in Puerto Rico. While sometimes these usages are grammatically incorrect, they are so widespread that they are accepted as being correct. Below are examples of Puerto Rican Spanish grammar: 1. The most common “mistake” in Puerto Rican Spanish is to mix English […]
Puerto Rican Baby Names: Trendy, Creative and Unique Names from the Island of Enchantment
This is the introduction of the book Baby Names from Puerto Rico: Trendy, Creative and Unique Names from the Island of Enchantment. Puerto Rican Baby Names If you visit the Island of Enchantment, you may notice that many young people’s names are unknown to you. Apparently the tradition of naming the children to preserve the […]
Why I Wrote Speaking Phrases Boricua
Read what inspired Jared Romey to write the book Speaking Phrases Boricua – Refranes de Puerto Rico about Puerto Rican sayings,
Does Puerto Rican Spanish Differ From Normal Standard Spanish?
Sebastian Becker from Germany asked us: Does Puerto Rican Spanish differ from “normal” standard Spanish? Here is our answer: This questions prompt me to ask another one: What is standard Spanish? I believe (and this is my opinion) that it is difficult to point out what is standard Spanish. Would it be the Spanish from […]
Here you have an illustration of the Puerto Rican Spanish saying más lento que una caravana de cojos. This illustration is included in the book Speaking Phrases Boricua. MÁS LENTO QUE UNA CARAVANA DE COJOS: Puerto Rican Spanish Saying • Literal translation: Slower than a caravan of cripples • Meaning: Extremely slow • Example: “Las […]
MÁS PELADO QUE CULO DE MONO: Puerto Rican Spanish Expression
Here is an illustration of the Puerto Rican Spanish expression estar más pelado que culo de mono. This illustration is featured in the book Speaking Phrases Boricua. Puerto Rican Spanish Expression: Más pelado que culo de mono • Literal translation: To be balder than a monkey’s ass • Meaning: broke, penniless, with no money. The […]
UN BOMBITO AL PITCHER: Puerto Rican Spanish Expression
Here is an illustration of the Puerto Rican Spanish expression un bombo al pitcher or un bombito al pitcher. It is featured in the book Speaking Boricua. Puerto Rican Spanish Expression: Un bombito al pitcher • Literal translation: An easy-to-catch ball for the pitcher • Meaning: something really easy to do, a “freebee.” The word […]
NO CAMBIES ORO POR COBRE: Puerto Rican Spanish Saying
Here is an illustration of the Puerto Rican Spanish saying no cambies oro por cobre from the book Speaking Phrases Boricua. Puerto Rican Spanish Saying: No cambies oro por cobre • Literal translation: Do not change gold for copper • Meaning: Advice to avoid changing something of value for something else of less value. • […]
Puerto Rican Spanish Slang for Penis: A Bug or a Guy’s Dick?
Puerto Rican Spanish Slang for Penis: A Bug or a Guy’s Dick? What does bicho means in Puerto Rico? The example here is a COMMON mistake that Spanish speakers make in Puerto Rico. A recent restaurant visit in Peru reminded me of one of my first encounters with Puerto Rican Spanish. I had just moved […]
O TE PEINAS O TE HACES ROLOS: Puerto Rican Spanish Saying
Here is an illustration of a common Puerto Rican Spanish saying: o te peinas, o te haces rolos. This phrase also have the variation o te peinas o te haces papelillos. Puerto Rican Spanish Saying: O te peinas, o te haces rolos • Literal translation: Either you brush your hair or you curl it Or […]
Here is an illustration of a common Puerto Rican Spanish saying: dos jueyes machos no caben en la misma cueva. You might also hear the variation dos jueyes machos no caben en la misma jaula. Spanish Saying from Puerto Rico: Dos jueyes machos no caben en la misma cueva • Literal Translation: Two male crabs […]
Puerto Rican Spanish Phrase: CAER COMO BOMBA
Here is another Puerto Rican Spanish phrase commonly used on the island: caer como bomba. This illustration is featured in the book Speaking Boricua that you can preview here. Puerto Rican Spanish Phrase: CAERLE COMO BOMBA • Literal translation: like a bomb • Meaning: to not go over well, to not get along with; not […]
EMPATAR LA PELEA: Puerto Rican Spanish Expression
Have you ever heard the phrase empatar la pelea? This is a common Puerto Rican Spanish expression and I have an illustration of it in my book Speaking Boricua: Puerto Rican Spanish Expression: EMPATAR LA PELEA • Literal translation: to tie the fight • Meaning: to make ends meet • Example: “Gracias a Dios que […]
VIDEO: Puerto Rican Spanish Slang and Colloquial Spanish Expressions
There is no better way to describe Puerto Ricans that by using our own words. Recently I ran across a copy of an old email chain (of the era when Facebook did not exist) with a lot of Puerto Rican Spanish slang and colloquial Spanish words that describe us. The text of the email was […]
La Droguita: Free Puerto Rican Spanish Cheat Sheet
Immerse yourself in the world of Puerto Rican Spanish, and let the language of the island enchant and inspire you! Whether you’re a language enthusiast, a traveler, or simply curious about the world, this cheat sheet is a delightful exploration of the colorful world of Puerto Rican Spanish.
Puerto Rican Spanish Cheat Sheet
Listen to the Puerto Rican Spanish Accent in 96 Audio Clips
Puerto Rican Spanish Accent: Audios for the Puerto Rican Spanish Cheat Sheet I invite you to listen to all our Puerto Rican Spanish audio clips in the voice of my amazing Puerto Rican wife and accomplice, Diana. The examples are the companion to our Puerto Rican Spanish Cheat Sheet. If you don’t have this awesome […]
List of Puerto Rican Slang and Colloquial Spanish Words Used by Locals
Ten years ago, Jared started collecting Puerto Rican Spanish slang words. Later, that list of words became the core of the book Speaking Boricua, a dictionary that translates to English the everyday colloquial words used in Puerto Rico. While living in Puerto Rico as an already fluent Spanish speaker, Jared found out that there were […]
PIRAGUA: Puerto Rican Spanish Word for Snow Cone
Piragua is the Puerto Rican Spanish word for snow cone. This refreshing pyramid shaped ice treat is popular all year long and I had the opportunity to have one on a recent visit. For the rest of the Spanish-speaking countries a piragua is a boat similar to a canoe. The word piragua is the result […]
The Hit Parade of 17 Christmas Songs in Spanish from Puerto Rico
In a previous article we discussed what a Puerto Rican parranda is and the popular musical instruments used by the parranderos. After you are already set up and equipped your group, you need a list of traditional Puerto Rican songs. There are plenty of songs that range from religious, passing by, preparing a lechón (ping) to getting drunk with rum. There are […]
COMO GUINEO EN BOCA DE VIEJA: Puerto Rican Spanish Street Slang Phrase
One of the most hilarious Spanish street slang phrases used in Puerto Rico is como guineo en boca de vieja. This Puerto Rican Spanish expression literally translates to “like a banana in an old lady’s mouth” and means “to pass easily without force.” When using this phrase it needs to be preceded by a verb, […]
The List of School Supplies in Spanish That Needs to Go Back to School
It’s back to school time! During my school years, I remember that the list of school supplies and books was long. My mom’s favorite place to get everything at the best prices was in Río Piedras, Puerto Rico. Today the dynamic has changed a little and we have mega stores in Puerto Rico that open […]