If you do not like something you can be sure you will get a lot of it.
Al que madruga, Dios lo ayuda
The early bird catches the worm. Advice that he who arises early will be rewarded.
Al que le caiga el sello que se lo ponga
If the shoe fits, wear it. Used when someone wants to identify a negative action without identifying the person committing it. For example, mentioning that whoever stole the chocolate bar from your desk should return it.
Al que Dios se lo da que San Pedro se lo bendiga
Used by a less fortunate person (in looks or money) about someone that is better off, and means that the more fortunate person is lucky and should enjoy what they have.
Al que a buen árbol se arrima, buena sombra lo cobija
Working with good or positive people can rub off
Al perro flaco, todas las pulgas le caen
When it rains, it pours. The same people always have all the problems in life, someone with one problem often has lots of other problems piled on.
Al pan, pan y al vino, vino
Cut to the chase, Get to the point, Call a spade a spade. Tells someone to speak directly without engaging in flowery conversation.
Al mejor cazador se le va la liebre
Everyone makes mistakes, It happens to the best of them. Even the best people in their field make mistakes sometimes.
Al mal paso, darle prisa
When facing a difficult situation, try all the alternatives or solutions as quickly as possible.
Ahorcarse con su propia soga
You’ve made your bed, now lie in it. To suffer the consequences of a problem that was created by oneself.
Ahogarse en un vaso de agua
To make a mountain out of a molehill. To worry about simple things.
Ahí si hay mucha tela de donde cortar
A topic of much interest, a subject with a wide range of possibilities to discuss
Agua pasada no mueve molino
Water under the bridge. Forget about the past and focus on the present.
Admisión de delito, relevo de prueba
Guilt by association. Once you admit to something, there is no further need to prove it. Also, if for example, you are caught in the same room where a vase just broke, it is obvious that you are the person that broke it.
A ver si es verdad que el gas pela
Let’s find out if what you say is really true.
A su tiempo maduran las uvas
Good things come to those who wait. Good things take time to develop, be patient.
A río revuelto, ganancia de pescadores
During times of uncertainty, there are still opportunities to be had.
A rey muerto rey puesto
Phrase meaning that someone, after passing away or leaving, is quickly replaced. For example a widow that quickly finds another partner to maintain him/her. Also implies that the person is taking advantage of the situation.
¿A quién le amarga un dulce?
Does the pope wear a hat? Does a bear shit in the woods?, Smart aleck answer to any type of dumb question when the answer is obvious.
A quien Dios no le da hijos el diablo le da sobrinos
For the people that do not have kids, they still often share the same problems and pleasures that parents do, through their nieces, nephews or other children that are close to them.
A palabras necias oídos sordos
It goes in one ear and out the other. If you are going to say stupid or foolish things, I am not interested in listening.
A otro perro con ese hueso
I’ve heard that story before. Used when someone is lying to you, for example, the homeless person that says he needs money for food when everyone knows he really wants it for booze.
A mi plin y a la madama dulce de coco
I couldn’t give a hoot, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass, I don’t give a shit, Who cares, I don’t care.
A mala hora no ladra el perro
In spite of all the preparations and precautions taken something unexpected always happens, the one thing you never planned for is the one thing that happens.
A mal tiempo, buena cara
When things do not come out as planned one must remain calm to face the situation.
A lo hecho pecho
Own up to one’s mistakes. If you made a mistake you must confront it and resolve the situation.
A las millas de Chaflán
Extremely fast
A la tierra que fueres haz lo que vieres
When in Rome, do as the Romans. When you are visiting an unknown place, just copy what the locals are doing, and you will fit in fine
A la larga todo se sabe
Everything eventually comes to light. Sooner or later everything is revealed.
A la corta o a la larga con el tiempo todo se alcanza
Sooner or later problems or difficulties can be overcome or resolved.