There is a remedy for everything except death. Consoling statement for someone that is fed up with a situation. The phrase means that the person should not worry, because there is a solution.
En la unión está la fuerza
In union there is strength, Safety in numbers, United we stand, divided we fall. By sticking together, a group of people can achieve much more than each person separately.
En la boca del embustero lo cierto se hace dudoso
If someone has a habit of lying, it becomes difficult to believe the person, even in the situations when he/she is telling the truth.
En guerra avisada no muere gente
If something is known ahead of time, it is possible to take steps to avoid any dangers.
En el país de los ciegos, el tuerto es rey
In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. One person can stand out, or achieve a position of power, not because they are great or skilled, but only because those around them are incapable.
En cualquier sitio se cuecen habas
Comment made after observing poor behavior, effectively saying that it is unfortunate but it happens all the time.
En casa de herrero cuchillo de palo
This phrase is applied to any type of expert that does not treat his personal life the same. Examples are the carpenter who’s house is falling apart or the financial advisor that is broke.
En boca cerrada no entran moscas
Advice to not talk more than necessary, to avoid embarrassing situations, gossiping or causing problems for others.
El vago trabaja doble
Anyone that does something half-assed the first time, will have to do it again a second time to fix the problems. Implies that it is better to do something right from the beginning.
El trabajo no mata a nadie
Ironic phrases highlighting that physical labor cannot harm a person.
El tiempo que se va no vuelve
Time is a precious item that once it is gone cannot be recovered.
El tiempo lo cura todo
Time heals all wounds. As time passes, any wounds (physical or emotional) become less and less painful.
El tiempo es oro
Time is money. Time is a precious item and should be used both sparingly and efficiently.
El remedio es peor que la enfermedad
Often people try to improve a situation but end up making it worse instead.
El que vive de ilusiones muere de desengaños
Out of touch with reality. If you are always dreaming, and never are in reality, you will die disillusioned from what you expected.
El que vive bien, muere bien
This phrase advises to live a clean, healthy life so that you may have a painless, quick death, but also so that people will remember you positively.
El que venga atrás que arree
Refers to a person that benefits from a situation without caring about how it affects others.
El que tiene tienda que la atienda, o si no que la venda
Keep your shop and your shop will keep you. A person needs to attend to his own businesses or affairs (not the romantic kind!). If he cannot or will not do this, it is better to remove himself from the situation. This phrase can be taken literally as an advice for a business but figuratively […]
El que tiene padrino se bautiza
Friends in high places. Here a godfather is a person’s protector, a person in a high position with lots of influence that can help a someone along (for example, in a career). Means that the person is blessed because of his/her connections.
El que tiene nariz no manda a oler
If you are capable of doing something yourself, there is no need to send or hire someone else to do it.
El que solo se rie de sus picardias se acuerda
If you run across someone that is laughing, but is alone, it is because he is remembering something naughty that he did.
El que siembra espinas que no espere cosechar flores
You reap what you sow. If you treat people poorly, then you should expect the same treatment in return.
El que se va para Rincón pierde su sillón
Goofy and playful phrase used when someone leaves their seat, and it is taken by someone else. Means that once a person stands up, he has lost the right to his chair.
mejor muerta que sencilla
when a person makes an extreme effort to look good, I’d rather be caught dead than without my make-up
pim pam pum
a cot
to get down from something
tape, as in masking tape or scotch tape
love handles
love handles