you snooze, you lose
a car bumper
si es mudo explota
saying used when someone blurts out an answer quickly
1) death 2) blood sausage
a corner store
El que se va para Aguadilla pierde su silla y el que de Aguadilla viene su silla tiene
Goofy and playful phrase used when someone leaves their seat, and it is taken by someone else. Means that once a person stands up, he has lost the right to his chair.
El que se ríe a sola de su maldad se acuerda
If you run across someone that is laughing, but is alone, it is because he is remembering something naughty that he did.
El que se pica es porque ají [ajo] come
Someone’s anger is a result of his own actions. If he hadn’t eaten the pepper, it wouldn’t be burning his mouth.
El que se come la carne que se coma también el hueso
Take the good with the bad. A person that accepts the positive from a situation or person, must be willing to accept the negative as well.
El que se casa, casa quiere
Once married, start anew with your spouse. Do not live with your parents or in-laws, because it will bring you problems.
El que se casa para su casa
Once you are married you should go out on your own, break ties from your family. Do not live with your parents or in-laws, because it will bring you problems.
El que se brinda se sobra
By offering advice without being asked, you will most likely be ignored.
El que ríe último ríe mejor
He who laughs last laughs best.
El que quiere puede
If you have enough desire, anything can be achieved
El que quiere azul celeste, que le cueste
No pain, no gain. You’ve got to sweat and work to achieve good things, they won’t just fall in your lap.
El que persevera triunfa
El que paga se acredita
If you pay your debts on time, people will be more likely to lend money to you in the future
El que paga lo que debe, sabe lo que tiene
A person without doubts is better off, because he/she knows what belongs to him/her
El que no tiene vaca, no bebe leche
If you don’t have a job, you aren’t going to eat
El que no tiene hechas no tiene sospechas
To not have anything to hide. If you are hiding something, then generally you are guilty. If you weren’t guilty, you wouldn’t need to hide anything.
El que no sale de casa, no sabe lo que pasa
It is impossible to understand and know what is happening in the world without getting outside of your house to experience it.
El que no llora no mama
If you do not speak for yourself, no one else will
El que no la hace a la entrada, la hace en la salida
Negative observation which highlights that if a person does not change their behavior at the beginning or during a process or relationship, he/she will be forced to change when the relationship is ended (examples are a marriage, employer/employee, friends).
El que no habla, Dios no lo oye
Speak up for yourself, no one else will
El que no coge consejos, no llega a viejo
Anyone that ignores the advice of others, which helps avoid problems and bad situations, does not arrive to old age.
El que no aprende es porque no quiere
Highlights that one of the most important factors in learning is a positive attitude
El que necesita busca
Any person that has a real need for something will find the way to obtain it
El que nace para toro del cielo le caen los cuernos
Always lands on his feet. A lucky person that always seems to have things turn out right.
El que nace para chavito prieto nunca llega a vellón
To reach one’s limit. No matter what a person does, he/she will not advance any further.
El que nace para bombero, del cielo le cae el sombrero
Always lands on his feet. A lucky person that always seems to have things turn out right.