Fine words butter no parsnips. Look out for the person that promises everything to everyone. This person will not have the time or resources to fulfill all of his promises, so will end up fulfilling none of them.
El que mucho abarca, poco aprieta
Try to do everything and you end up doing nothing
El que la hace la paga
The person that does something bad (stealing, lying, etc.) must assume the consequences
El que juega por necesidad pierde por obligación
Don’t gamble something you can’t afford to lose
El que juega con fuego se quema
If you play with fire you get burned. A person that messes around with a “sticky” or dangerous situation is running the risk of hurting himself or getting into trouble.
El que hace la ley hace la trampa
Implies that whoever is in charge, making the laws or rules, also puts in the loopholes so that he himself can be exempt from the rules. This person will always come out ahead.
El que guarda siempre encuentra
The person that saves whenever he/she has extra, will always find what is needed during times of scarcity
El que espera desespera
This phrase is used for impatient people, that cannot sit quietly and wait for whatever is pending (a line at the store, a doctor’s appointment, kids waiting to open their gifts for Christmas).
El que duerme con niños amanece mojado
If you are associated with something, even if you are not involved, you will suffer from the situation. For example, if your friends are criminals, even if you aren’t, at some point you will be implicated with them.
El que da primero da dos veces
He gives twice who gives quickly. The first person to act in a situation is often at an advantage. This may be a fight, where the first blow is the best, or donating money to charity. By giving right away, that is worth more than giving at a later time.
El que da lo que tiene a pedir se atiene
To give away the house. If you are too generous with things, then you will end up with nothing and will have to beg from others.
El que come gofio se ahoga
Someone that screws off or takes advantage of people, for example cutting class; gofio is a powdery candy that because it is so dry and fine, can easily make you choke.
El que canta sus penas espanta
Singing is a way of removing problems or worries from one’s mind
El que calla otorga
Silence gives consent. By not speaking out against what is in question, the person is by default accepting or authorizing what he/she is against.
El que busca encuentra
By taking the initiative, a person can achieve what he wants. No one else can do that for him.
El que asa dos conejos a la vez uno siempre se le quema
If you run after two hares you will catch neither. If you try to do too many things at once, then none of them turn out well.
El que a hierro mata a hierro muere
He who lives by the sword dies by the sword. If a person’s solution to their problems is always violence, then at some point that will kill them.
El que siembra, cosecha
Also “El que bien siembra, bien cosecha”, You reap what you sow. Positive actions bring good results or consequences.
El pez muere por la boca
By talking badly about others, a person opens themselves up for criticism and risks alienating everyone.
El pez grande siempre come el pez pequeño
The person of authority, in power, or with money and resources, will always win out against the little guy.
El perjudicado es el último enterado
The person most affected by a situation is often the last person to find out. This is generally because everyone else hides the truth as long as possible.
El perfume bueno siempre viene en potes pequeños
Good things come in small packages. Just because something is bigger does not mean that it is better.
El papel lo aguanta todo
Anything can be put on paper
El ocio es la madre de todos los vicios
An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. When a person is not keeping themselves busy, there is a tendency to become involved in negative or bad things. If the person can stay busy, than he/she will not have time to make up devious ideas.
El muerto y el agregado a los tres días hieden
Overstay your welcome. A freeloader, for example, your cousin that needs a place to stay for 2 nights, and a month later is still in the house.
El muerto después de tres días apesta
Overstay your welcome. A freeloader, for example, your cousin that needs a place to stay for 2 nights, and a month later is still in the house.
El movimiento se demuestra andando
Actions speak louder than words. By showing something the person is more likely to believe, than if he/she is only told.
El mono sabe del palo al que trepa
Observation that a person knows what they are doing, that they are aware of what type of person they are dealing with.
El mentiroso debe tener buena memoria
Refers to the need for a liar to keep track of everything they say so as to not let something slip later on. If the liar does not keep things straight they will give themselves away at some point.
El mejor plato se deja para lo último
Leave the best for last. Advice that suggests the best way to present something and to maintain people interested is to present the best part at the end of the conversation.