The Quick Guide to Mexican SpanishA Colloquial Spanish Dictionary discover the local languageQuick Guide to Mexican Spanish eBookThe collection of more than 450 terms and sayings will help you become familiar with the richness of the country’s Spanish. It includes slang and colloquial expressions that you will likely run across in everyday conversations. BUY ON […]
Quick Guide to MORE Mexican Spanish: Slang Dictionary
The Quick Guide to More Mexican SpanishA Colloquial Spanish Dictionary continue discovering the local languageQuick Guide to MORE Mexican Spanish eBookThis book is the second volume about Mexican Spanish and vocabulary following the first book, Quick Guide to Mexican Spanish. More than 450 new vocabulary words and phrases are added to this follow up dictionary. […]
Speaking Boricua: A Practical Guide to Puerto Rican Spanish
Speaking BoricuaA Practical Guide to Puerto Rican Spanish discover the local languageSpeaking Boricua eBookThe most in-depth, up-to-date source of Puerto Rican Spanish vocabulary available. This best-selling book is a humorous guide to colloquial Spanish vocabulary. With over 1,500 words and phrases, you will quickly understand boricua vocabulary and slang. BUY ON AMAZON BUY THE PDF […]
Speaking Phrases Boricua: A Collection of Wisdom and Sayings from Puerto Rico
Speaking Phrases BoricuaA Collection of Wisdom and Sayings from Puerto Rico discover the local languageSpeaking Phrases Boricua eBookThis follow-up to the Puerto Rican Spanish bestseller, Speaking Boricua, collects the unique Puerto Rican sayings that are passed down from generation to generation. Whether you are looking to share your life’s wisdom with Island friends, trying to […]
Speaking Chileno: A Guide to Spanish from Chile
Speaking ChilenoA Guide to Spanish from Chile discover the local languageSpeaking Chileno eBookSpeaking Chileno, already a bestseller in Chile, is the most up-to-date reference book of Chilean Spanish vocabulary. It features more than 2,000 words and phrases explained in English, many with sample sentences. BUY ON AMAZON BUY THE PDF The truth About SpanishSpanish vocabulary […]
Speaking Argento: A Guide to Argentine Spanish
Speaking ArgentoA Guide to Argentinian Spanish discover the local languageSpeaking Argento eBookThe collection of more than 1,300 terms and sayings will help you become familiar with the richness of the Argentine Spanish. It includes slang, lunfardo, and colloquial expressions that you will likely run across in everyday conversations. BUY ON AMAZON BUY THE PDF The […]
Quick Guide to Cuban Spanish: Slang Dictionary
The Quick Guide to Cuban SpanishA Colloquial Spanish Dictionary discover the local languageQuick Guide to Cuban Spanish eBookThe collection of more than 952 terms and sayings will help you become familiar with the richness of the country’s Spanish. It includes slang and colloquial expressions that you will likely run across in everyday conversations. BUY ON […]
Speaking Latino’s Spanish Slang eBooks
Quick Guide to Colombian Spanish: Slang Dictionary
The Quick Guide to Colombian SpanishA Colloquial Spanish Dictionary discover the local languageQuick Guide to Colombian Spanish eBookThe collection of more than 450 terms and sayings will help you become familiar with the richness of the country’s Spanish. It includes slang and colloquial expressions that you will likely run across in everyday conversations. BUY ON […]
Quick Guide to Dominican Spanish: Slang Dictionary
The Quick Guide to Dominican SpanishA Colloquial Spanish Dictionary discover the local languageQuick Guide to Dominican Spanish eBookThe collection of more than 500 terms and sayings will help you become familiar with the richness of the country’s Spanish. It includes slang and colloquial expressions that you will likely run across in everyday conversations. BUY ON […]
Quick Guide to Peruvian Spanish: Slang Dictionary
The Quick Guide to Peruvian SpanishA Colloquial Spanish Dictionary discover the local languageQuick Guide to Peruvian Spanish eBookThe collection of more than 500 terms and sayings will help you become familiar with the richness of the country’s Spanish. It includes slang and colloquial expressions that you will likely run across in everyday conversations. BUY ON […]
Quick Guide to Venezuelan Spanish: Slang Dictionary
The Quick Guide to Venezuelan SpanishA Colloquial Spanish Dictionary discover the local languageQuick Guide to Venezuelan Spanish eBookThe collection of more than 500 terms and sayings will help you become familiar with the richness of the country’s Spanish. It includes slang and colloquial expressions that you will likely run across in everyday conversations. BUY ON […]
Quick Guide to MORE Venezuelan Spanish: Slang Dictionary
The Quick Guide to More Venezuelan SpanishA Colloquial Spanish Dictionary Continue Discovering the local languageQuick Guide to MORE Venezuelan Spanish eBookThis book is the second volume about Venezuelan Spanish and vocabulary following the first book, Quick Guide to Venezuelan Spanish. More than 500 new vocabulary words and phrases are added to this follow up dictionary. […]
Speaking Boricua: A Book for Learning Spanish Vocabulary from Puerto Rico
This book for learning Spanish vocabulary from Puerto Rico is the most in-depth, up-to-date source of local Spanish, with over 1200 words translated to English. Spanish vocabulary changes significantly from one country to the next. Yet, few people learn about this until they are in a country, stumbling through the local Spanish slang.
Speaking Chileno: A Book for Learning Spanish Vocabulary from Chile
A book for learning Spanish from Chile with over 2,000 words explained in English, 29 illustrations, sections on Chilean gestures, pronunciation & grammar. Spanish vocabulary changes significantly from one country to the next. Yet, few people learn about this until they are in a country, stumbling through the local Spanish slang.
Coño meaning in Spanish: A comprehensive guide
The quick answer to what coño means is that it’s either a vulgar word for a woman’s vagina, or an exclamation of surprise like “Damn!” Most popular uses of coño in English Before diving into the complete answers to what does coño mean in Spanish, here are some of the most common uses: ay coño […]
Word Comparison in Spanish: A Comprehensive Matrix Chart of Spanish Slang Words
Word Comparison in Spanish: A Comprehensive Matrix Chart of Spanish Slang Words It often happens that Spanish learners go to a Spanish-speaking country and realize that there are tons of words they are not familiar with, even though they refer to simple items or activities and even though they thought there was a different vocabulary […]
6 Spanish Slang Phrases Using the Word HORSE
In English, we say, “horsing around” to mean behaving foolishly. Then there’s the old stand-by “a horse of a different color,” which means “something entirely different.” Interestingly, Spanish has only a few similar sayings (called modismos) that refer directly to the horse, el caballo. Considering that the Spanish took over all of Mexico, Central and […]
Real World Spanish: Street Slang Examples Using the Word TACO
When you hear the Spanish word taco the first thing that comes through your mind is a delicious tortilla with a spicy beef or chicken filling. Mmm yummy! Try to Google images of taco and you will see that 99.9% of the results are this traditional Mexican dish. But this word has a humongous variety […]
How to say CIGARETTE in Spanish (8+ ways)
For a quick answer to the question “How do you say cigarette in spanish?” the most common word understood in Spanish is cigarrillo. (Even if it’s not the word used in a specific country, everyone should understand you.) However, as you’ll see below there are different answers to the question “What is cigarette in Spanish […]
Cosmo Test: How Much Do You Know About Spanish Slang?
Face it. Don’t deny that at least once in your life you have done a quiz from Cosmopolitan magazine. I used to work for a beauty company that places regular ads in Cosmopolitan, and they gave us complementary magazines every month. So in every issue they featured a Cosmo Test, a quiz or personality test […]
The Most Complete List of Spanish Slang Words for MONEY: Infographic
Well, it is that time of the year again: we are into tax season! On April 17th all United States residents are supposed to turn in their tax forms. The same drill will happen in Puerto Rico for our local income tax or what we call planillas and often la dolorosa (that translates to “the […]
Different Spanish Accents: Video 9 Types of Spanish Accents
Different Spanish Accents Video. A fun video that shows the different Spanish accents.
“Más… que…” Exaggerated Comparisons in Spanish: Sayings and Illustrations
A total of 22 illustrations of exaggerated comparisons in Spanish. Meaning and translations of all these funny Spanish sayings are included.
Here is an illustration of a popular Spanish saying: poner un huevo cuadrado. This illustration is featured in the book Speaking Boricua. Spanish Saying: Poner un huevo cuadrado • Literal translation: to lay a square egg. • Meaning: to make a big mistake • Examples: “Apple puso un huevo cuadrado con la nueva versión de […]
Quick Guide to Peruvian Spanish: A Book for Learning Spanish Vocabulary from Peru
Spanish vocabulary changes significantly from one country to the next. Yet, few people learn about this until they are in a country, stumbling through the local Spanish. Are you learning Spanish? Preparing to visit Peru? Or even just wanting to be more familiar with its specific slang and local words? This book for learning Spanish […]
Diccionario de Americanismos Online: List of Common Abbreviations and Symbols
If you have used the online search tool of the Diccionario de Americanismos you might have noticed that the results include many abbreviations and symbols. The Diccionario de Americanismos online is an exact copy of what you will see in the actual printed dictionary and they use abbreviations to maximize space. Understating them will lead […]
VIDEO Diccionario de Americanismos Online Step by Step: Finding Spanish Slang Words and Phrases
Did you know that the Diccionario de Americanismos is available to search online? The Diccionario de Americanismos is the dictionary of words from Latin America and definitely an excellent reference source. I am so happy that the Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española (ASALE) made this incredible search tool available. Last year I bought […]
The Most Authentic Spanish Words from 11 Latin American Countries
Every country has a flag, food and symbols that identify them. But what about a single word? During the 6th International Congress of the Spanish Language (VI Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española) celebrated in Panama, the blog Papeles Perdidos, created by the newspaper El País, published an atlas of the representative words of Spanish-speaking […]
Online Spanish Slang Dictionary Directory: 70+ Spanish Slang Titles
Welcome to our online Spanish Slang Dictionary Directory featuring more than 50 Spanish slang dictionaries available, organized by country, language and format. Search for Spanish or bilingual options.