Love is one topic that triggers a lot of inspiration for poems, songs and, of course, sayings. Here are some examples of Spanish sayings about love. These examples below are not that romantic, they are more like expressions of wisdom about the profoundly tender and passionate affection for another person that we call love. Spanish […]
SMART Goals to Learn Spanish
Learn how to set your goals using the SMART system. Apply it to set your goal to learn Spanish.
32 Games in Spanish: Language Learning or Entertainment
Four lists of games in Spanish. From games to learn Spanish to classic board games in Spanish. Watch some videos of how they are played.
Parallel Text Reading: 16 Side by Side Books in Spanish and English
Parallel text ia a resource for learning another language in the form of “a book or text in which the target language and native language are presented side by side on the same page or screen.”
The Most Popular Spanish-English Flash Cards
A list of 18 Spanish flashcards that are commonly used by language learners. Options for adults and kids. Bilingual and with pictures.
Football Phrases in Spanish: What is Your Favorite?
The World Cup is about to end. This past month I had a great time watching many of the matches here in Miami and also in Spain, where we spent half of the World Cup. Listening to the commentators in Spanish was so much fun; the phrases they used, the energy they had, and how […]
Flirting in Spanish: 18 Easy Spanish Phrases for Dating
In “Flirting in Spanish: 18 Easy Spanish Phrases for Dating” we’ve given you a few choice phrases that should be easy to remember and quick to charm.
The 5 Spanish Irregular Verbs That Will Boost Ability to Build Sentences
These Spanish irregular verbs will improve your ability create sentences. Download the printable Spanish verb flashcards included.
Soccer Terms in Spanish and English: Are You Ready for the World Cup?
As the FIFA World Cup 2014 approaches, the excitement of soccer fans (and not so fans like me) is increasingly evident. And I say that I’m not a fanatic because, first, I’m a woman who does not follow any sports at all; and second, I come from a country (Puerto Rico) where there is no […]
Learn Gaucho Spanish With These Resources
This is a list of the available resources to help you learn Gaucho Spanish, which is the Spanish from the southern Cone portion of South America.
How Do You Say Corn In Spanish?
There are several ways of how to say corn in Spanish: maiz, mazorca, elote, choclo, jojoto and marlo. Due to the fact corn is used in many ways and has such a long history in Latin America – in summary, the Spanish word for corn can vary from one country to another. Why Is There […]
Learn Spanish Quiz: Why Is It So Difficult To Identify Spelling Errors?
The mistakes on the back of this key card from a hotel in Puerto Rico are two simple spelling errors that could be avoided if someone had proofread the material. Before writing this post I showed the card to three native speakers and only one of them identified the first error. Apparently it’s too minor […]
The Best 15 Latino Children’s Books from 2013
Here is the list of best Latino children’s books published in 2013. It is based in the recent release of the lists created by Latinas for Latino Lit, School Library Journal and Center for the Study of Multicultural Children’s Literature. Whether you are looking for a gift for your child or (if you are a […]
5 Versions of Jingle Bells in Spanish
If you are looking for the Christmas song Jingle Bells in Spanish you have plenty of options. This song actually has two versions or lyrics: Cascabel, cascabel or Navidad, Navidad. Any of these versions have been adapted to different rhythms and here are some demo examples. Share with me which one is your favorite and […]
6 Traditional English Christmas Songs in Spanish
Now that we are getting closer to Christmas Day, the mood is turning more and more festive. If you are visiting a Spanish-speaking country during the Holidays you will hear in Spanish some of the traditional Christmas carols that you learned as a kid. These villancicos, the word for Christmas songs in Spanish, have the […]
MLB Team Names in Spanish: Infographic
There are a lot of Hispanics playing in the Major Leagues Baseball (MLB) teams. According to Fox News Latino “24.2 percent players on this year’s MLB rosters are foreign-born players from Latin American countries.” There is a good representation of players from the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Colombia and Panama. We previously […]
INFOGRAPHIC: 6 Names for Nativity Scene in Spanish
The nativity scene or special exhibition of art objects representing the scene of the birth of Jesus has different names in Spanish: NACIMIENTO, BELÉN, PESEBRE, PORTAL, PASITO or MISTERIO. La escena que recrea con figuras el nacimiento de Jesús en Belén tiene varios nombres en español. Dependiendo del país puede llamarse: NACIMIENTO, BELÉN, PESEBRE, PORTAL, […]
10 Gifts For Spanish Teachers They Can Use In Class
Teachers are always looking for new materials to use in class. The process of finding the right tools to help students improve never ends. Sometimes the school doesn’t provide the materials, but teachers are still willing to cover the expenses using their own money. That is basically the story of my sister, who has been […]
The Death of Language Learning
The Future of Language Learning For three years now I have been following the Language Learning community online, occasionally even participating. During that time I have thought in-depth about the future of language learning. Where is it going? How will people learn languages? Why will they learn them? How can we use technology to learn […]
Cuando llega el mes de octubre is a Halloween song in Spanish taught to all kids in Puerto Rico. This song doesn’t talk about monsters or ghosts, it’s about a jack-o’-lantern. Puerto Rico is an island in the Caribbean where the traditional orange pumpkin doesn’t grow and, consequently, pumpkin carving is nonexistent. The song Cuando […]
One of Your First Lessons in Spanish: Asking For Directions
My very first Spanish lessons often left something to be desired. While knowing how to tell people your birthday and ask them about theirs is great and all, I didn’t find it all too easy to apply in real world situations. I’d like to give you some first lessons in Spanish that you can use […]
How to say BACON in Spanish
The words tocino, tocineta, beicon, bacon, bacón and panceta all mean bacon in different countries. When asked the simple question “How do you say bacon in Spanish?” there is no quick answer. The Spanish word for bacon varies from one country to the next as you can see from the list above. The Royal Spanish […]
Car Parts: Spanish School Lessons of Different Vocabulary Words For The Same Thing
As with all different areas of languages, vocabulary dedicated to car parts varies from one country to another. In Spanish, the car is el auto in one country, el coche in another, and el carro in a third. Let’s take a look at a couple of simple parts. In countries like Chile the clutch pedal […]
Lesson for Spanish Teachers: 4-Step Activity to Teach Basic Verbs Vocabulary
Learning new vocabulary words in Spanish is an important element in the language acquisition process. Teaching vocabulary should be constantly taught and reviewed during a lesson as a phonological awareness activity, or to pre-teach new vocabulary of a story or text. Teaching vocabulary is also important because it increases the chances to become a better […]
Basic Spanish Lessons: Ordering Food
It’s pretty hard to get around in a Spanish speaking country if you can’t even order something to eat. This basic Spanish lesson will give you the vocabulary and phrases you need to order food in Spanish. First, let’s get your basic food vocabulary out of the way. You have to get past the menu […]
Children’s Spanish Books: 10 Reading Suggestions for 3rd to 5th Grades
Finding children’s Spanish books can be a hard task because there are plenty of titles to choose from. Here is a list of 10 reading suggestions suitable for kids between 3rd and 5th grades. All of these books are in Spanish or bilingual and the stories are related to the Hispanic culture. Children’s Spanish Books […]
How to Pronounce the Longest Word in Spanish [with Video]
Pronouncing the longest word in Spanish or in any other language can be a challenge. Each word, is like a short tongue twister! I chose 10 of the longest words to give it a try and see which ones are the hardest to say. The first set of long words includes the ones that are […]
8 Kids Spanish Books About Hispanic Culture for Middle School Kids
If you are a parent of a middle school kid looking for stories to connect him/her to the Hispanic culture, check out these Kids Spanish Books options. These books are ideal for kids that speak Spanish as a first language between the grades of 6th to 8th. These titles are also available in English for […]
Video Spanish Lessons: Pronouncing the Colors in Spanish
The colors are one of the basic things you can teach your students. Here is a short video Spanish lesson on how to pronounce the colors. Video Spanish Lessons: Pronouncing the Colors in Spanish 1. amarillo: yellow 2. azul: blue 3. negro: black 4. naranja: orange 5. rojo: red 6. rosa: pink 7. café: brown […]
LADRON QUE ROBA LADRON Spanish Language Proverb in English
There are variations on how the same Spanish language proverb is known or expressed. For example, the complete saying Ladrón que roba ladrón… can be expressed as: 1. Ladrón que roba a ladrón, merece el perdón 2. Ladrón que roba a ladrón tiene cien años de perdón 3. El que roba a un ladrón tiene […]