a person that appears to be intelligent and highlight that quality with his / her actions
a person that appears to be intelligent and highlight that quality with his / her actions
to be hungry, refers to an imaginary tapeworm
to be hungry, refers to an imaginary tapeworm
soltar la sopa
to say something that had been secret
soltar la sopa
to say something that had been secret
soplar el bisteck
to seduce someone else’s partner
soplar el bisteck
to seduce someone else’s partner
dwarf, frail person
a snob, a person who might not belong to the upper class but acts as if he/she does
a snob, a person who might not belong to the upper class but acts as if he/she does
tremendous, great
ser la flor del trabajo
a person that pushes off and delays work
ser la flor del trabajo
a person that pushes off and delays work
ser limpio or estar limpio
to have no money
ser limpio or estar limpio
to have no money
ser un coco
to be intelligent
ser un coco
to be intelligent
serruchar el puesto
to take someone’s job or position at work
serruchar el puesto
to take someone’s job or position at work
san pablera or sampablera
chaos, disturbances
a snitch, a whistle-blower
a snitch, a whistle-blower
se jodió
to be fucked up
se jodió
to be fucked up
se le llenó el cuarto de agua
it is said when a problem reaches its limit
se le llenó el cuarto de agua
it is said when a problem reaches its limit
se le volaron las tejas
to have mental issues or to be insane
se le volaron las tejas
to have mental issues or to be insane
se te quema el arroz
a wedgie