Talking about criminal activities in a Spanish-speaking country will force you to get a deeper knowledge of the local words. Crime words in Spanish vary among countries and Argentina is not the exception. What you think should be a simple, common word might hold a double meaning. So pay attention to these examples!
Here is a list of 33 Argentina Spanish expressions related to crime. They are presented in a "flash card power point format" that you can download, print or embed on your website. This set of words appears in the Quick Vocabulary Tables from the book Speaking Argento: A Guide to Spanish from Argentina.
33 Argentina Spanish Expressions: Crime Words in Spanish Flashcards
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List of Crime Words in Spanish from Argentina
These are all the words included in the presentation flash cards:
1. afanar: to steal, rob or swindle
2. arbolito: an illegal money changer (the changing of money is controlled by the government)
3. batidor: a snitch, informant
4. bocina: a snitch
5. bocón: a snitch
6. boga: lawyer
7. botón: 1) a police officer 2) a snitch
8. botonazo: a snitch
9. botonear: to inform on, give someone away, betray
10. buchón: a snitch, informant
11. buchonear: to inform, give someone away, betray
12. cachiporra: a police night stick
13. campana: a lookout during a robbery
14. cana: the police
15. chorear: to steal
16. chorro: a dirty, rotten thief
17. cobanis: police officers as referred to by thieves
18. curro: 1) a thief 2) small job
19. dechavar / deschavar: to snitch on, denounce
20. estar en cana: to be in jail, prison
21. estar guardado: to be in jail
22. falopa: drugs
23. falopearse: to shoot up, use drugs
24. falopero: a drug addict
25. garca: a swindler, a cheater, the inverse of cagar
26. gato: a prostitute
27. guardado: imprisoned
28. prontuario: police record
29. punga: a pick-pocket
30. rati: police officer
31. tumba: prison
32. vigilante: 1) an informant, a snitch 2) a police officer
33. yuta: a police officer
Check out these other Argentina Spanish Slang Expressions articles.