If you are in the process of learning Spanish and plan to travel to Peru, keep in mind the following list of dirty Spanish slang words and phrases. It is good to know them in case you are insulted or want to insult somebody. These 10 sayings from Peru are too strong to be taught in school, but you need to know them.
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10 vulgar Spanish slang words and phrases from Peru that aren’t taught in school, but you need to know
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1. Concha tu madre
This is one of the strongest ones. It means “fuck your mother.”
2. Es la tuya en vinagre, hijo de la gran puta
Usually this is the answer when someone insults you with #1. The literal meaning would be “Yours in vinegar, son of a bitch”
3. Rosquete de mierda
“Fucking faggot”
4. Tremendo cojudo, huevón
“Stupid fucking idiot, imbecile”
5. ¿Qué chucha tienes?
“What the fuck is your problem?”
6. Huevón
“Damn idiot”
7. Indio de mierda
“Fucking Indian”
8. Puta Madre
When something goes wrong, some people say this. The meaning would be like “Oh fucking shit” or “Oh mother fucking shit”.
9. No seas cojudo
“Don’t be an idiot”
10. ¡Qué cojudo eres!
“What a damn idiot you are”
For more Peruvian Spanish:
Quick Guide to Peruvian Spanish Dictionary eBook
Check out these other Peru Spanish Slang Word articles.