A Huaso is a Chilean countryman, typically from the Central Valley region of the country. These men are strong, hearty individuals who often wear the typical attire of a chamarra (jacket), sombrero (hat), bombachas (trousers) and botas (boots). They are renowned for their hard work, dedication to the land, and skills in horsemanship. They also hold an important place in Chilean culture and tradition, being deeply connected to the South American heritage.
In this class activity, students will be exposed to the culture and language of The Chilean Cowboy or El Huaso Chileno. Students will watch a video in the target language and complete various activities depending on their language proficiency levels. They can fill in the blank sentences with key vocabulary, answer comprehension questions and discuss in pairs, complete extension activities such as a word search or create an A/B oral activity “Buying the Huaso attire.” Lastly, they can reflect on their learning experience with reflection questions and read up more on the background history with a bibliography.
Country: Chile
Topics: Chilean Huaso, Huaso attire
Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the different Hispanic cultures.
Activities included:
- Presentation in English (to introduce the traditional aspect to Novice students)
- Presentation in Spanish (to introduce the traditional aspect and expose Intermediate to Advanced students to the target language)
- Brief background history
- Country flag
- Video
- Práctica con frases – Fill-in-the-blank sentences
- Comprehension and discussion questions
- Extension activities
- Where is Chile? Basic information sheet and map
- Huaso vocabulary
- Match the picture with the word activity
- Question sheet about the Chilean Huaso video
- Huaso word search
- A/B oral activity “Buying the Huaso attire”
- Reflection questions
- Bibliography
Also included:
• Full size image: The Huaso Infographic in Spanish
• Full size image: The Huaso Infographic in English
• Video file: The Chilean Huaso video in Spanish
Actividad para la clase de español: El huaso chileno
País: Chile
Tema: El huaso, la vestimenta del huaso
Estándares para el Aprendizaje de Lengua Extranjera: Estándar 2.2: Los estudiantes demuestran un entendimiento de la relación de productos y perspectivas de las diferentes culturas Hispánicas.
Actividades incluidas:
• ¿Dónde queda Chile? Hoja de información general y mapa
• Vocabulario de “El huaso”
• Hoja de actividad para parear la imagen con la palabra
• Hoja de preguntas sobre el video “El huaso chileno”
• Busca palabras o sopa de letras sobre el huaso
• Actividad oral A/B “Vamos a comprar la vestimenta del huaso”
También incluidos:
• Imagen en tamaño grande: Infográfico “El huaso” en español
• Imagen en tamaño grande: Infográfico “El huaso” en inglés
• Archivo del video “El huaso chileno”
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