Are You Really Fluent in Spanish?
If you are interested in being, appearing or faking that you are fluent in Spanish, here’s a quick tip.
I’ve been speaking Spanish now, at varying levels for 18 years (holy crap!). In that time, my speaking experiences have crossed country borders and generations, as well as education and economic levels. Occasionally as I am speaking, someone comments on or teases me about a word I used.
I have come to identify that most often these words are “high-brow” or formal words that are not used in everyday conversation. Perhaps they’re not normally taught to Spanish learners either. So when a foreigner, such as myself, has picked them up and used them properly, it’s a bit surprising to a native speaker.
Over time, I have collected a list of these words and so today here goes. Learn these, use them in a conversation and people may think you are fluent in Spanish, even if you really aren’t. Fake it ’til you make it!
Only If You Know These 8 Words
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1. paulatinamente
English: Gradually.
Example: Yesterday they announced that gradually there will be changes in the company.
Spanish: Poco a poco, despacio, lentamente.
Example: Ayer anunciaron que paulatinamente habrán cambios en la empresa.
2. índole
English: a) Nature, kind, sort. b) Nature, type.
Example: Manuel is an expert on issues of an economic nature.
Spanish: a) Condición e inclinación natural propia de cada persona. b) Naturaleza, calidad y condición de las cosas.
Example: Manuel es un experto en temas de índole económico.
3. otorrinolaringólogo
English: an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) doctor
Example: Tomorrow I have an appointment with the ENT.
Spanish: Especialista en otorrinolaringología (Parte de la patología que trata de las enfermedades del oído, nariz y laringe.)
Example: Mañana tengo cita con el otorrinolaringólogo.
4. campante
English: a) Relaxed, unconcerned. b) Cool as a cucumber, laid back
Example: I saw Patricia pass by on the beach as cool as a cucumber as her ex-boyfriend watched.
Spanish: a) Despreocupado, tranquilo b) Satisfecho.
Example: Vi pasar a Patricia por la playa de lo más campante mientras su ex-novio la miraba.
5. antipático
English: Unfriendly, unpleasant
Example: Mercedes is so unfriendly, she didn’t even say hi.
Spanish: Que causa antipatía (sentimiento de aversión) a las personas.
Example: Mercedes es una antipática, ni siquiera me saludó.
6. obviar
English: Eliminate, omit.
Example: Let’s skip that step in order to finish on time.
Spanish: Evitar, rehuir, apartar y quitar de en medio obstáculos o inconvenientes.
Example: Vamos a obviar ese paso para poder terminar a tiempo.
7. ínfula
English: Pretensions, airs, illusions.
Example: Vanessa has illusions of grandeur, that’s why she buys everything expensive.
Spanish: Presunción o vanidad.
Example: Vanessa tiene ínfulas de grandeza, por eso compra todo caro.
8. indumentaria
English: Clothing, attire.
Example: I don’t like Jose’s attire, he looks like a reggaeton singer.
Spanish: a) Perteneciente o relativo al vestido. b) Estudio histórico del traje. c) Vestimenta de una persona para adorno o abrigo de su cuerpo.
Example: No me gusta la indumentaria de José, parece un reguetonero.
What other words would you add to the list?
Check out these other articles about How to Speak Spanish.