Greetings in Spanish are very important. In fact, how to greet -along with how to introduce yourself- is one the basic things you practice when you are learning a new language. If you already mastered Buenos días and Hola, ¿cómo estás? you are now ready to learn how to greet like locals do in the real Spanish-speaking world.
Here is a collection of 11 phrases used by locals in Latin America and Spain to say “Hey, How’s it going?,” “Hey, what’s up?,” or ¿Cómo te va? in Spanish. As you can see, every country has its own colloquial way to greet… that’s Real World Spanish at its greatest!
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Greetings in Spanish: 11 Ways to Say “How’s it going?” in Spanish

2. Dominican Republic: ¿Cómo tu ‘ta, mi pana?
3. Chile: ¿Cómo estai, poh?
4. Mexico: ¿Qué onda, wey?
5. Puerto Rico: ¿Qué es la que hay?
6. Spain: ¿Qué pasa, tío?
7. Cuba: Acere, ¿qué bola?
8. Costa Rica: ¿Qué mae pura vida?
9. Peru: ¿Qué fue causa?
10. Bolivia: ¿Cómo es, chango?
11. Colombia: ¿Quiubo, parcero?
We would like to thank all of our friends that helped us with this list. It was created originally to make a onesie for our newborn son, Adrian. He looks so cute in it! Plus everybody that sees him wearing it has so much fun reading and learning all these phrases.
Check out these other Spanish Slang Expressions articles.