Introduce your students to Paisa Platter or La Bandeja Paisa from Colombia. Use these ready-to-use Google Slides in Spanish and English for them to bring cultural traditions to your classes.
First, an introduction to the Bandeja Paisa and its ingredients is provided with a presentation in Spanish and English. Students are exposed to new vocabulary and can practice by identifying food components of the dish. The country flag promotes basic geographic knowledge, and comprehension and discussion questions promote critical thinking.
Second, students’ complete extension activity handouts which include a variety of activities such as word search and infographic which further deepen their understanding of the topic. There is also an online video in Spanish on how to prepare the Bandeja Paisa, which exposes the students to authentic visuals while having fun.
They also complete an A/B oral activity where they must use newly acquired knowledge to identify different ingredients of the dish. Second, students’ complete extension activity handouts which include a variety of activities such as word search and infographic which further deepen their understanding of the topic. There is also an online video in Spanish on how to prepare the Bandeja Paisa, which exposes the students to authentic visuals while having fun.
Finally, each student reflects on what they have learned and how this cultural tradition has inspired them with reflection questions presented at the end of the session.
Spanish Class Activity: The Bandeja Paisa
Country: Colombia
Topics: Colombian food, food vocabulary
Standards for Foreign Language Learning: Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the different Hispanic cultures.
Activities included:
- Presentation in English (to introduce the traditional aspect to Novice students)
- Presentation in Spanish (to introduce the traditional aspect and expose Intermediate to Advanced students to the target language)
- Brief background history
- Country flag
- Video
- Práctica con frases – Fill-in-the-blank sentences
- Comprehension and discussion questions
- Extension activities
- Where is Colombia? Basic information sheet and map
- Infographic: Bandeja Paisa in Spanish
- Vocabulary Sheet: Bandeja Paisa
- Written activity “Identify the food components of the Bandeja Paisa”
- Question sheet with online video in Spanish: “Preparing the Bandeja Paisa”
- A/B oral activity: “The ingredients of the Bandeja Paisa”
- Word Search: Bandeja Paisa vocabulary
- Reflection questions
- Bibliography
Actividad para la clase de español: La Bandeja Paisa
País: Colombia
Tema: Comida colombiana, vocabulario de la comida
Estándares para el Aprendizaje de Lengua Extranjera: Estándar 2.2: Los estudiantes demuestran un entendimiento de la relación de productos y perspectivas de las diferentes culturas Hispánicas.
El folleto de actividades incluye:
• ¿Dónde queda Colombia? Hoja de información general y mapa
• Infografía de La Bandeja Paisa
• Hoja de vocabulario de la Bandeja Paisa
• Hoja de actividad para identificar los componentes de la Bandeja Paisa
• Actividad de preguntas relacionadas al video (disponible en línea) “Preparando una Bandeja Paisa”
• Actividad oral A/B “Los ingredientes de la Bandeja Paisa”
• Busca palabras o sopa de letras sobre la Bandeja Paisa
Check out our list of Spanish Class Activities.