Last weekend I was trapped in a Sunday Football get-together. All the Americans were hypnotized watching the game and between commercial breaks, I was able to chat with a friend from Mexico. She asked me if I have ever heard the names of the NFL teams in Spanish. I was completely puzzled, because for me American Football was a unique sport from the United States and I though that no one else cared about it. She explained to me that NFL games are broadcast in Mexico in Spanish and, of course, the names of the teams have been translated.
I was curious about this and here is the list of all the NFL team names in Spanish I put together. Watch the video at the end to listen to some of those names in Spanish.
Spanish NFL: English Names in Spanish of the NFL Teams Infographic
Here is the list of the NFL team names in Spanish. Scroll down for the text version and the video!

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Spanish NFL: English Names in Spanish of the NFL Teams
Arizona Cardinals | Cardenales de Arizona |
Atlanta Falcons | Halcones de Atlanta |
Baltimore Ravens | Cuervos de Baltimore |
Buffalo Bills | Los Bills |
Chicago Bears | Osos de Chicago |
Cincinnati Bengals | Bengalíes de Cincinnati or Tigres Bengales de Cincinnati |
Cleveland Browns | Cafés de Cleveland |
Dallas Cowboys | Vaqueros de Dallas |
Denver Broncos | Broncos de Denver |
Detroit Lions | Leones de Detroit |
Green Bay Packers | Empacadores de Green Bay |
Houston Texans | Tejanos de Houston |
Jacksonville Jaguars | Jaguares de Jacksonville |
Kansas City Chiefs | Jefes de Kansas City |
Miami Dolphins | Delfines de Miami |
Minnesota Vikings | Vikingos de Minnesota |
New Orleans Saints | Santos de Nueva Orleans |
New York Jets | Jets de Nueva York |
Oakland Raiders | Invasores de Oakland |
Philadelphia Eagles | Águilas de Filadelfia |
Pittsburgh Steelers | Acereros de Pittsburgh |
San Diego Chargers | Cargadores de San Diego or Cargueros de San Diego |
San Francisco 49ers | Los Cuarenta y Nueve de San Francisco |
St. Louis Rams | Carneros de San Luis |
Tampa Bay Buccaneers | Bucaneros de Tampa |
Tennessee Titans | Titanes de Tennessee |
Washington Redskins | Pieles Rojas de Washington |
Carolina Panthers | Panteras de Carolina |
Indianapolis Colts | Potros de Indianápolis |
New England Patriots | Patriotas de Nueva Inglaterra |
New York Giants | Gigantes de Nueva York |
Seattle Seahawks | Halcones Marineros de Seattle or Halcones Marinos de Seattle |
Spanish NFL Video
The following is a video that I found of a sports news report from Mexico. It mentions eight of the teams so you can have a “taste” of what the NFL in Spanish sounds like. How many you can get? The answers are bellow the video.
Mobile viewers: watch this video here:
Were you able to identify the eight teams he mentioned in the video? Here they are in order: Los Empacadores (Green Bay), los Carneros (St. Louis), los Delfines (Miami), los Potros (Indianapolis), los Patriotas (New England), los Acereros (Pittsburgh), los Gigantes (New York) and los Santos (New Orleans).
The Super Bowl in Spanish
If there are Spanish translations for all the NFL teams, there should be one for the most important game of this sport: The Super Bowl. So, in Spanish, the final game of the American Football season is El Super Tazón.
Check out these other English Spanish articles.