Common Mexican Spanish Expressions Cheat Sheet
¡Ándale pues!
Bien pedo
El mero mero
¡No manches!
¡Qué pocamadre!
If you don’t know what these phrases mean, get ready to jump into the exciting world of Mexican Spanish expressions. This cheat sheet (also available to download for free) is packed with all the popular phrases and their meanings, giving you a peek into the lively language of Mexico.
Exploring Mexican Spanish Expressions
From “Dar atole con el dedo” (to trick or fool somebody) to “¡Qué chingón!” (awesome! cool!), this compilation has a bunch of expressions that really capture the Mexican vibe. Whether you want to spice up your vocab, understand slang, or just enjoy the colorful language of Mexico, this list has got you covered.
Understanding the Context of Mexican Spanish
Each expression comes with a simple definition to help you get what it’s all about. For example, “No te hagas bolas” means “Don’t get confused,” while “Chinga tu madre” is a super strong way to show you’re really mad.
By digging into these expressions, you’ll get a better feel for Mexican Spanish and how these phrases are used in everyday life.
More Mexican Spanish Slang
If you’re hungry for more Mexican Spanish slang, here are some resources for you:
- Quick Guide to Mexican Spanish Book
- Quick Guide to More Mexican Spanish Book
- Mexican Spanish Slang Resources & Essentials
Whether you’re a language lover, Spanish student, or just curious about Mexican culture, these resources are your ticket to more learning and fun.
List of 75 Common Mexican Spanish Phrases and Expressions with English Definitions
Get ready to have a blast exploring the lively and dynamic world of Mexican Spanish expressions with this essential list. By getting familiar with these common phrases and what they mean, you’ll not only boost your language skills but also get a real taste of the colorful and diverse world of Mexican Spanish.
Expression | Definition | |
1 | A huevo | By force, forced to do something |
2 | A la chingada | Fuck it! |
3 | A poco | Seriously? Really? |
4 | Agarrarse del chongo | A fight or discussion, generally among women |
5 | Aguas | Look out! An expression of warning |
6 | Águila o sol | Heads or tails? |
7 | Ah cabrón | Expression of surprise, incredulity or confusion |
8 | Ah güey | Expression of surprise or not believing |
9 | Ahí nomás | Regular, so-so, not good and not bad |
10 | Ahorita vengo | I’ll be right back |
11 | Ahorita voy | I’ll be right there |
12 | Ándale | Exactly, hurry up |
13 | Ándale pues | Agreed |
14 | Andar enchilado | To be pissed off |
15 | Andar frito | To be in a bad mood |
16 | Bien pedo | Very drunk |
17 | Cada chango a su mecate | Each person occupies or finds their own unique place |
18 | Cáele güey | Hey man, come on over! |
19 | Chinga tu madre | Go fuck your mother! Said when actions are annoying |
20 | Comerse la torta antes del recreo | To get knocked up |
21 | Como agua para chocolate | To be annoyed or angry |
22 | Creerse el muy muy | To believe that you are the best |
23 | Dame chance | Give me a chance |
24 | Dar atole con el dedo | To trick or fool somebody |
25 | Dar el avión | To ignore, not give something or someone importance |
26 | De lengua me como un taco | Yeah, right, tell me another one! |
27 | De peluche | Good |
28 | De volada | Quickly or immediately |
29 | Échale ganas | Show more interest or enthusiasm |
30 | Échale huevos | Show more interest or enthusiasm |
31 | Echarse un coyote | To take a nap. Also used in diminutive: echarse un coyotito |
32 | El mero mero | The head honcho, the boss |
33 | Está de pelos | That’s cool! That’s awesome! |
34 | Está grueso | That´s hard (a situation) |
35 | Estar perreando | To criticize or belittle |
36 | Estás zafado | You’ve got a screw loose, are you crazy! |
37 | Hola cuate | Hey, friend! |
38 | La neta | The truth |
39 | Llegar después del atole | To get in late |
40 | Mande | What? What did you say? |
41 | Me da ñañaras | It gives me the creeps, it scares me |
42 | Me la pelas | I am better than you. Vulgar for “You can jerk me off, fucking asshole!” |
43 | Ni maiz | No way. Not a chance. This is not going to happen. |
44 | No chingues | Used when you want someone to stop bothering you. An expression of shock or surprise |
45 | No friegues | Don’t bother or stop bothering, don’t complain |
46 | No hay bronca | No problem |
47 | No mames | Don’t bullshit me! Are you kidding? No way! |
48 | No manches | No way! Give me a break, I don’t believe you, stop screwing around |
49 | No me pelan | They ignore me |
50 | No ser ni chicha ni limonada | Not one thing nor the other |
51 | No son enchiladas | It’s not that easy |
52 | No te hagas | Don´t lie! |
53 | No te hagas bolas | Don´t get confused |
54 | No te hagas el güey | “Don’t ignore it.” Also pronounced No te hagas el wey |
55 | Órale | Wow, ok, sure, hurry up, lets go |
56 | Por si las moscas | Just in case |
57 | Puta madre | Fuck! Shit! |
58 | Qué cagado | How funny! |
59 | Qué chido | Cool! |
60 | Qué chingón | Awesome! Cool! |
61 | Qué fresa | How snobby or what a snob! |
62 | Qué naco | How uncouth / trashy / tacky / uneducated! |
63 | Qué onda | What´s up! |
64 | Qué padre or Padrísimo | Cool! |
65 | Qué pex | Questioning phrase to say hello, or ask for information |
66 | Qué pocamadre | A person with no shame, who behaves in a shameless manner |
67 | Qué rollo | That´s complicated |
68 | Qué tienes | What’s the matter? Do you have a problem? |
69 | Quedarse como novia de rancho | To still have the desire, similar to “quedarse vestida y alborotada” |
70 | Quiobo, quiobole | Hi, what’s up! |
71 | Saber de qué lado masca la iguana | He/she really knows his stuff |
72 | Tirar la güeva or Tengo güeva | To be lazy. To not do anything. |
73 | Trae bronca o qué | What the hell’s up? A stronger way to say “do you have a problem?” |
74 | Vale madres or Le vale madre | Who cares? |
75 | Ya mero | In any time soon |
Check out these other Mexican Spanish Slang Expressions articles.