Part of learning the local Mexican Spanish slang is learning the best insults and swear words. It is important not only because these are the most common Mexican Spanish you will hear, they also can be hilarious when a native speaker listens to you use them.
Learning slang and vulgar words when you are advanced in learning a new language is a natural next step that allows you to become more familiar with the language and culture of the people who speak it.
Why Learn Mexican Spanish Insults and Swear Words
Slang and vulgar words, while not appropriate in all contexts, are an important part of any language and are often used among native speakers in informal settings. You will hear these words and phrases at some point, no doubt about it! Learning these kinds of words can help you advance to gain insight into the daily conversations native speakers have, as well as giving the feeling of immersion in the culture.
By gaining fluency in Mexican slang insults, curses, and other more informal forms of language use, you expand your vocabulary beyond what is taught in a standard textbook or school. Not only would this allow you to understand what others around are saying more easily, but it would also deepen your understanding of the spoken language. It can even give you an opportunity to better connect with native speakers as you progress.
In our 5th article of Spanish Insults Not Taught in School it is Mexico’s turn. Our sources from Mexico provided us this list of 10 Mexican Spanish Swear Words and Phrases matched with the best possible English equivalent.
Even if you don’t say these expressions, you will hear them, and you might be wondering what they mean. Or you just “stumble upon” on this page on purpose (because you Googled it), to learn these expressions and use them. That’s ok too!
INFOGRAPHIC: 10 Mexican Spanish Swear Words and Phrases Not Taught in School

10 Words & Phrases from Mexico That Aren’t Taught in School
1. Chinga tu madre
“Go bother your mother.” It’s sort of fuck your mother. The word chingar by itself means “to fuck.”
2. Valió madre or Valió verga
Literally “It was worth mother” or “It was worth cock.” It means “something is fucked.” For example: Ya valí madre means “I’m fucked.”
3. Estás pero si bien pendejo.
“You’re a fucking idiot”
4. Pinche
Similar to the word “fucking” in English. Used in conjunction with another word to intensify its meaning. For example: Pinche estúpido means “fucking idiot.”
5. Un putero
“A fucking lot of” something. For example: Un putero de gente means “a fucking lot of people.”
6. No mames
Literally “don’t suck.” It means “stop fucking around” or “stop being an asshole.”
7. Puto and Puta
A faggot and a whore, respectively.
8. Güey
Literally it’s an ox (buey), but means “dude” or also “a dumb person.”
9. Coger
Literally means “to take,” but in Mexico means “to fuck.”
10. ¡Mira qué cabrón!
“Don’t try to be a smart-ass.” Used when someone is trying to take advantage of something or someone.
Bonus bad words and insults
- huevos – literally means eggs but in Mexico it means a guy’s balls (testicles)
- pendejo – dumbshit, dumbass, imbecile, asshole
Cuss words and insults from other Spanish Speaking countries
If your curiosity was not satisfied with this list of bad words in Mexican Spanish and you want to curse in Spanish like other natives, click here for the lists from:
- Argentina insults and swear words
- Chile insults and swear words
- Puerto Rico insults and swear words
- Colombia insults and swear words
- Peru insults and swear words
Mexican Spanish Dictionaries
- Book 1: Quick Guide to Mexican Spanish
- Book 2: Quick Guide to MORE Mexican Spanish
Check out these other Mexican Spanish Slang Expressions articles.