The World Language Teacher Summit en Español 2023 online conference is an opportunity for Spanish teachers to learn from experienced educators who have found success in the classroom. With 21 presenters and sessions, you’ll discover innovative techniques to renew your teaching and connect with your students.
This conference, which takes place from May 16th to May 19th, will be entirely in Spanish. And the best part? It’s on demand! Click here for access.
Featuring 21 experienced Spanish teachers, this conference promises to reveal the most innovative strategies for successfully teaching Spanish language and culture to your students. Attendees can expect to hear from a variety of presenters on topics ranging from incorporating poetry into the classroom to using music as a didactic tool for language learning. You’ll also get to learn about digital organization of authentic resources and how to use gamification to teach a second language.
Some of the highlighted sessions include Regina O’Neal’s “¡Poesía por favor! Incorporando la poesía en la clase de lenguas mundiales” and Lisa McHargue’s “Organización digital de recursos auténticos”. Other sessions will cover topics such as the importance of socioemotional learning in the classroom and using music for social and emotional development. You’ll also get to hear from Nathalia Palis, a composer and singer, on how she uses music as a teaching tool.
Spanish Teacher’s Online Conference Agenda
Day 1
- Afrolatinos: El cabello y la identidad – Jenniffer Whyte
- El fin del año y el gran repaso: ¡Diversión con sazón! – Allison Perryman
- La música como herramienta didáctica en el aula de idiomas – Sandra Carrasco
- Aplicaciones, herramientas y juegos para la clase – Amanda Mignault
- ¡Poesía por favor!: Incorporando la poesía en la clase de lenguas mundiales – Regina O’Neal
Day 2
- Tipos de memoria y las mejores técnicas para mejorarlas – Fanest Coronado
- La poesía comprensible en la clase de ELE – Diego Ojeda
- Organización digital de recursos auténticos – Lisa McHargue
- Respuesta Física Total (TPR) – Michelle Rojas
- La música como una herramienta didáctica y desarrollo social y emocional: Entrevista con la compositora y cantautora Nathalia Palis
Day 3
- Sensibilización para la enseñanza de la lengua de herencia – Lucy Arce-Kowatsch
- 10 ideas fáciles para apoyar a tus estudiantes de herencia – Kristin Montgomery
- ¡Dímelo en español! – Christina Margiore
- Cómo utilizar la gamificación en la enseñanza de una segunda lengua – Melisa Patiño Correa
- El lenguaje como semilla: El idioma español como segunda lengua en la India – Abdul Rehman
Day 4
- Nadie aprende español por el subjuntivo – María Monsalve
- No se puede juzgar un libro por su portada: Lenguaje, cultura y diversidad en las clases de español y ESL – Trisha McMurray
- #Cultura – Esther Galo
- La importancia del aprendizaje socioemocional en el aula – Bertha Delgadillo
- ¡Break-in en la clase de lenguas! – Jessica Greer
- Aprender lenguas y contenido a través de la música – Nelly Quijano
The conference is a fantastic opportunity for Spanish teachers to discover techniques to renew their teaching skills and better connect with their students. With four days of pedagogical transformation, you’ll learn what works with other educators and how you can apply these strategies to your own classroom.
Don’t miss this opportunity to attend the most important online conference of the year for Spanish teachers. Reserve your All-Access Pass and gain valuable insights that will help you finish this school year strong and start the next with new ideas.
Professional Development Certificate for Spanish Teachers Attendees Available
Get instant-permanent access to the recordings of all sessions with the All-Access Pass. The All-Access Pass or Pase de Acceso Total gives you additional bonuses and a PD Certificate for 13 hours.