For those of you that don’t know DIRAE, I have to tell you that it is an awesome Spanish reference tool. DIRAE stands for Diccionario Inverso de la Real Academia Española or The Reverse Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. The main feature of DIRAE is that instead of finding the definition of a word, as in an ordinary dictionary, it searches within the DRAE (Diccionario de la Real Academia Española) definitions and gives you the word.
When you visit the home page it looks pretty simple…
…but is a powerful tool. For example, if you would like to find words that are related to zapato (shoe) you go to, enter that term, and get a list of words that have zapato in their definition. You will get results that go from similar words (zapatismo) to types of shoes (cutara). How awesome is that!?
I simply love DIRAE and this is why: If you keep exploring and digging in the website, you will find stuff like this Mapa de acepciones or a map of Spanish words with particular definitions in each country. With a simple click on any of the Spanish speaking countries, you will get the words and definitions that the RAE have gathered in their Dictionary. I strongly suggest you bookmark this page!
You can explore DIRAE at
Check out these other articles about the Spanish Language.