The mistakes on the back of this key card from a hotel in Puerto Rico are two simple spelling errors that could be avoided if someone had proofread the material. Before writing this post I showed the card to three native speakers and only one of them identified the first error. Apparently it’s too minor for someone to notice reading at normal speed. The two people that did not find the error continued to miss it even after I shared that it is in the first two lines of text. So that’s your first hint too.
These examples make me think about why is it so difficult to catch spelling errors. Check out this article If You Can Raed Tihs, You Msut Be Raelly Smrat:
If You Can Raed Tihs, You Msut Be Raelly Smrat
The second error is further down in the text. Look carefully.
And that’s it. Two errors for you to find. They should be easy.
Ready for the answers?
Don’t look until you have found them or completely ready to give up.
Here goes…
Ok, the first mistake appears on the second line of text. The word tarjeta is incorrectly spelled as tErjeta.
And for the second error head to the fourth line of text where the first word on that line reads porán instead of podrán, with the D.
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