1. Adrienne Brandenberg @AdrienneBranden
Adrienne is a rising star in the world of working with Spanish heritage learners. With her colleague, Mary Beth Johnson, Adrienne writes about teaching and learning on their blog Adventures in Heritage Learning.
2. Annabelle Williamson @lamaestraloca
Annabelle Williamson (nee Allen) is Louisiana’s Foreign Language Teacher of the Year 2018. She focuses on CI and OWL strategies to help her students acquire language. Her brain breaks are a favorite of many teachers as well as her TPR techniques that get everyone in the classroom moving.
3. Jeremy Jordan @senorjordan
Jeremy, also known as Sr. Jordan, works with TPRS and CI techniques in his Spanish classroom. He shares his twelve years’ worth of experiences on his blog, offering reflections and resources to others in the Spanish teaching community.
4. Meredith White @PRHSspanish
Meredith’s expertise is with novice learners of Spanish, and she teaches both high school and college level classes. She has won numerous awards and accolades for her teaching, and she frequently shares her knowledge at state, regional and national workshops.
5. Mike Peto @mike_peto
Mike Peto is a CI legend. He is a TPRS expert and the author of TPRS novel Superburguesas, as well as a respected voice in the community of teachers of Spanish heritage learners.
6. Alina Filipescu @AlinaFilipescu
Alina offers hope and encouragement to teachers who believe CI methods are too far out of their comfort zone. She started teaching with CI with TPRS strategies, and in her experience, students are most enthusiastic about this approach to learning.
7. Gary DiBianca @GaryDiBianca
Gary is a Spanish teacher and coach, as well as a world language consultant and Advanced Placement reader. Topics of diversity are important to Gary, and as a national trainer for Safe Space and Schools, he is committed to ensuring that classrooms are meeting the needs of LGBTQ students.
8. Tina Hargaden @CIliftoff
Tina offers a unique perspective as an educator with experience teaching French, Spanish, ESOL, English Language Arts, Social Studies, Reading Intervention, and Creative Writing. She has worked closely with CI master Ben Slavic, co-authoring two books with Ben about the natural approach to language acquisition.
9. Albert Fernandez @Mr_Fernie
Albert, also known as, Sr. Fernie, teaches Spanish to students ranging from Kindergarten age to 8th grade. He converted from traditional methods of textbook-based teaching to teaching primarily with CI methods in 2014.
10. Sarah Breckley @SarahBreckley
Sarah is a prolific contributor of vlogs to the Spanish teacher online community. Her favorite teaching methods include teaching TPRS while on a unicycle, target language karaoke, and skits that involve wigs.
11. Joe Dale @joedale
Joe is an independent world language and technology consultant from the UK, and he is tuned into educational goings-on all over the world. He works with British organizations, like the British Council and the BBC, while running trainings and presenting at conferences world-wide.
12. Laura Sexton @SraSpanglish
Laura’s love for project-based learning (PBL) enables her to immerse herself and her students in the pursuit of successful target language output. She has a workbook coming out with Teacher’s Discovery soon, and she also works directly with school districts on how to implement PBL in the language classroom.
13. Carrie Toth @senoraCMT
Carrie is an award-winning Spanish teacher who has published five novels in Spanish with Fluency Matters. She currently teaches high school Spanish, mentors educators who are seeking their National Board Certification, and runs workshops across America.
14. Carol Gaab @CarolGaab
Carol is an expert on teaching towards language proficiency with storytelling, a popular method of delivering comprehensible input to students. For over twenty years, Carol has been teaching teachers how to use TPRS in their classrooms while teaching herself, and she has written many books for classroom use.
15. Kara Jacobs @karacjacobs
Kara has been a Spanish teacher for over twenty years, and she has undergone a significant transformation since the start of her career. At the beginning, she was grammar-focused and textbook-oriented, and since then, she has discovered the joys of teaching with comprehensible input and authentic cultural content.
16. Amy Lenord @alenord
Amy’s passion for proficiency-based teaching is evident in her huge collection of authentic Spanish resources. She is also an instructional consultant and language coach with a lot of educational insight to share.
17. Kristy Placido @placido
Kristy is a teacher, author and teacher-trainer who writes curriculum and novels for Spanish students for Fluency Matters. She co-authored one of her novels with the illustrious Carol Gaab, and she also offers consulting and training services to schools.
18. Mira Canion @MCanion
Mira is a true educational innovator, incorporating storytelling, drama, novellas, music, videos, photos, and technology into her lesson plans. She is also the author of historical novellas that are great fun for both teachers and students.
19. Cynthia Hitz @sonrisadelcampo
From games to geography, passwords to proficiency, Cynthia has something interesting to say about most any topic relevant to teaching Spanish with comprehensible input. She has presented at regional and national conferences on teaching with CI and TPRS at the high school level.
20. Grant Boulanger @grantboulanger
Grant teaches middle school Spanish, incorporating comprehensible input and the arts into his lessons as much as possible. He has earned recognitions like Minnesota’s 2015 World Language Teacher of the Year as well as other accolades, all of which recognize and honor his passion and innovation for teaching.
21. Martina Bex @MartinaBex
Martina’s CI blog and her teaching resources are wildly popular amongst language educators. As a world language consultant and mother of five, she has taken her career in Spanish education far beyond the classroom.
22. Diego Ojeda @DiegoOjeda66
Diego is a world language department head at his school and a national presenter on Spanish language instruction. He loves to collaborate and he invites his followers to contact him directly if they would like any advice.
23. Noah Geisel @SenorG
Noah is a Spanish teacher and education trainer, and in 2013, ACTFL recognized him as their National Language Teacher of the Year. He is interested in topics around social justice as well as educational practices that support students and encourage them to take healthy risks with their learning.
24. Paulino Brener @paulinobrener
Paulino’s passions include foreign languages, teaching, crafts, social media, and performance arts. He is also the founder and creator of three virtual summits for educators of world languages.
25. Erica Peplinski @ProfePeplinski
Erica is an expert in the world of using TPRS and CI methods with elementary school age Spanish language learners. By engaging her students with games, music and cartoons, she truly knows how to make language learning fun.
26. Ashley Uyaguari @profeashley
Ashley is a huge fan of the desk-free, English-free Spanish classroom and she shares many of her ideas on her Inspired Proficiency Podcast series. She is a teaching coach and a presenter, as well as a middle school Spanish teacher.
27. Elisabeth Alvarado @SpanishMamaBlog
Based in Peru, Elisabeth is a non-native Spanish teacher who is raising her children to be bilingual. She offers teachers interesting resources to use at home with their own families and in the classroom with their students.
28. Becky Morales @kidworldcitizen
Becky is a Spanish and ESL teacher whose perspective on language learning has been shaped by her multi-cultural family. She seeks to increase global and cultural awareness with her educational activities, both at home and in the classroom.
29. Chris Cashman @senordineroman
Chris works with heritage Spanish learners as well as L2 learners, and he loves connecting his students with other students in other countries. He is a music teacher as well as a Spanish teacher.
30. Dustin Williamson @williamson_ci
Dustin is a high school French and Spanish language acquisition facilitator, and he is also a running and skiing coach. He uses CI and TPRS methods at all the levels he teaches, and he particularly loves using El Internado with his students.
31. Courtney Nygaard @profenygaard
Courtney teaches Spanish at an International Baccalaureate school, where she enjoys blending traditional approaches to grammar with CI methods and music. She has been creating a curriculum for heritage Spanish learners as well as materials for flipped grammar instruction.
32. Profe Slack @profeslack
Profe Slack is a high school Spanish teacher who loves incorporating both humor and educational technology into his lesson plans.
33. Speaking Latino @speakinglatino
Speaking Latino offers Spanish teachers a multitude of teaching materials, authentic resources, educational articles and much more. They are the founders of the Spanish Teacher Success Academy online conference and true experts on the different kinds of Spanish spoken in different Spanish-speaking countries.
34. Allison Wienhold @MisClasesLocas
Allison is a Spanish department of one who also creates resources for teachers. Educators everywhere love her materials that enable students to learn with a variety of Spanish novels and the popular telenovela El Internado.
35. Ashley Mikkelsen @afulks2013
Ashley has taught Spanish for six years, and she maintains an active presence on social media, sharing her insights and experiences with the wide online community of world language teachers.
36. Bethanie Drew @lovemysummer
Bethanie has been a Spanish educator for over 20 years, so she has a wealth of practical knowledge to share. She has also studied medicine and enjoys combining her two fields of expertise in one lesson plan.
37. Erin Gilreath Carlson @Erinrae0399
Erin is an instructor of Spanish at the University of South Carolina, so she brings a unique perspective from the world of higher education to her followers. Her students love her sense of humor and her enthusiasm for teaching.
38. Maris Hawkins @marishawkins
Maris teaches middle school and upper school Spanish in an independent school, and she is incredibly experienced when it comes to using Integrated Performance Assessments (IPAs) with her students. She enjoys using novels to guide her curriculum.
39. Michaela McCaughey @mika_ryan
Michaela is motivated by social justice issues as they pertain to education, and she currently teaches mixed classes, containing both heritage Spanish learners and L2 learners. She is adept at incorporating the arts into her lessons and activities.
40. Sam Finneseth @SraFinneseth
Sam teaches Spanish to both L2 learners and heritage students, and she loves any methodology that allows her to deliver CI to both groups of her students. Her teaching approach is both practical and sensitive as she strives to meet the needs of her students.