a rude person, that nobody likes
coger botella
coger la confronta
too late to do something
chao pescao
see you later alligator
candela al jarro
persevere until you reach your goal
cantar el manisero
to die
caerle comején al palo
to have a situation get worse
caerle comején al piano
to have a situation become more difficult, get worse
botar la casa por la ventana
to go crazy spending money, spend too much
baja y chupa
a tube top
aquí el que no tiene de Congo, tiene de carabalí
phrase to mean that in Cuba most people have African ancestors
armar un titingó
to make trouble, even fighting
arroz con mango
disaster, mess, confusion
a mi me gusta el café claro y el chocolate espeso
phrase that means someone likes the finer things
acabar con la quinta y con los mangos
to completely destroy everything
acabarse como la fiesta del Guatao
to end poorly
agarrar con las manos en la masa
to get caught doing something wrong
aguantar paquetes
to put up with someone’s bad behavior
ahorita, horita
right now
al retortero
a la bola
to be naked
a la cubana
any food dish made with tomato pureé and whatever is on hand
List of Spanish Slang Expressions Used in Cuba: 10 Common Words and Phrases Infographic
Cuban Spanish is not commonly heard outside Cuba. Sure there are tons of Cubans and Cuban descendants living in the US, Puerto Rico and other countries, but after 30-50 years outside of Cuba, their Spanish should have differences with the Spanish currently used in Cuba. Here is a list of common Spanish slang words still […]