1) that sucks, damn, used to express disapproval or disappointed 2) that’s awesome, cool
quieto prieto
calm down!
puras de aire
pure lies
por angas o mangas
for any given reason
pinche culero
fucking asshole
pa’ que pucta
no te peines
don’t get angry
no tener un clavo
without money, broke
matanga dijo la changa
expression of surprise at the moment you take an object suddenly
me chingaron
stole from me
mandar a la chingada
go to hell
mal cogida
insult used to explain the bad mood of a woman, referring to the lack of sex or bad sex life she has
lonche or lonch
1) lunch 2) light meal 3) in the Northeast part of Mexico it is a sandwich
haber chingadazos
a problem or altercation that could turn into blows
hablarle al chile
to tell the straight truth
hijo de la chingada
1) a bad, mean person 2) expression of surprise when someone does something unexpected and there’s no way to repair the damage
güebón or güevón
a lazy person
güero or güera
blonde, not necessarily foreigners, but often used to describe blonde people, popular when describing a Swedish person
ganas de chingar
a desire to screw around, tease
gordito rompe calzones
really fat
está bien acá
refer to something with good quality
estar bien tronado
to be buff, very muscular
estar en la quinta chingada
very far away, Timbuktu
estás cabrón
you’re the man, that’s awesome!
en chino
difficult, impossible
en su alucin
echarse una cascarita
to play a pick-up game (of soccer)
en canicas
echar el cobre
to cut someone off while driving
echar la hueva
to be extremely lazy