go to hell
como dijo el Santo Papa, chin chin Jalapa
see you later alligator
comunícame tu ardor
what’s up with you?, what’s going on?
chupar faros
to kick the bucket
chinga tu madre
go fuck your mother, fuck you
cantarle la cucaracha
to go down on a woman
cargar la mano
to abuse, bother or molest
casa de la chingada
extremely far, far away
calmantes montes
calm down
caerse el jabón
to have sex
bote de basura
ay nanita
expression of fear
apuñalar la araña
to screw, have sex
amarra navajas
a gossip
andar bien coco
to be high on cocaine
andar pacheco
to be high
al ratón nos vemos
see you later
aguas frescas
a light non-alcoholic beverages that combines fruits, cereals, flowers, or seeds with sugar and water, usually sold by street vendors
a la verde
the heck with it
a su madre
very good
a vergazo
submission by physical beating
¿qué chingados?
what the hell?
¿qué hongo?
what’s going on?, what’s up?
Collection of Common Mexican Spanish Phrases
Collection of Common Mexican Spanish Phrases Whether you are proud to be Mexican or want to learn more about the country, don’t miss out on staying up to date with the Mexican language, food, culture and heritage. We’ll keep in touch with you by email to share all the fun stuff we find about Mexico […]
A List of Spanish Slang Expressions Using CHINGAR: 22 Mexican Spanish Examples
There are a lot of books about Mexican Spanish, but there is one exclusively dedicated to the word CHINGAR. The book El Chingonario: Diccionario de uso, reuso y abuso del chingar y sus derivados published by Editorial Otras Inquisiciones includes about 150 sayings with definitions and examples. This book was a recommendation from a Mexican […]
Mexican Slang: Spanish Terms of Common Use
If you’re planning a vacation in Mexico, you should definitely know about the Mexican slang spanish terms that many locals use. Not all slang in Mexico is used in a derogatory way; it can also range to compliments. The only reason it’s called slang is because it is not formal language typically taught in schools. […]
no manches
no way, give me a break, I don’t believe you, stop screwing around
1) a prostitute or loose woman 2) damn, shit
a chingadazos
a chuchita la bolsearon
a poor and unbelievable/irrelevant excuse or pretext