palo abajo
palo de hombre or palo de mujer
a strong, brave man or woman
palo de hombre or palo de mujer
a strong, brave man or woman
na’ guará
oh my God!
na’ guará
oh my God!
ni a palos
no way, literal translation is “not even if hit with a stick”
ni a palos
no way, literal translation is “not even if hit with a stick”
no dar pie con bola
to constantly make mistakes
no dar pie con bola
to constantly make mistakes
no te hagas el paisa or no te hagas el güevón
don’t be a dumbass, you know what I mean
no te hagas el paisa or no te hagas el güevón
don’t be a dumbass, you know what I mean
o sea
I mean…
o sea
I mean…
meterse un puñal
to study hard
más caliente que plancha de chino
it is said when somebody is very upset
más caliente que plancha de chino
it is said when somebody is very upset
mata burro
a dictionary
mata burro
a dictionary
matar la culebra por la cabeza
to solve a difficult problem
matar la culebra por la cabeza
to solve a difficult problem
me estás jodiendo
you’re fucking me over
me estás jodiendo
you’re fucking me over
me sabe a mierda or me sabe a culo
I don’t give a shit
me sabe a mierda or me sabe a culo
I don’t give a shit
métase su… por el culo
shove it up your ass, insulting phrase that literally means “put your (whatever) into your ass”
métase su… por el culo
shove it up your ass, insulting phrase that literally means “put your (whatever) into your ass”
meterse un puñal
to study hard
mala sangre
a mean person, bad blood
mala sangre
a mean person, bad blood