When learning a language look for words that can increase your vocabulary in leaps with little effort. For example, the word taco in Spanish can mean 1) a pool stick, or 2) the heel of a shoe. In Chile it can also mean 3) a notepad or paper for writing notes, or 4) a traffic jam. There’s also 5) the famous Mexican food. That gets you five English meanings with just one Spanish word and there many more in the article Real World Spanish: Street Slang Examples Using the Word TACO.
Along these lines, there is one word used specifically in Chile that quickly broadens your ability to communicate. The word is huevear and all its variants. With over twenty, by learning this word, you will better cachar (that means understand…that’s Chilean too!) conversations you hear, although it may take more time to use each variant properly.
Some people may be surprised or offended by some of the below meanings, but, let’s face it, people talk dirty sometimes. It’s an integral part of the language. So even if you personally don’t speak in these terms, you should understand them. I promise that if you step one foot in Chile you will hear this word and some of its more shocking usages. Maybe even daily.
15 Idiomatic Expressions With The Most Important Chilean Spanish Slang Word
Here are several of the more common variants. For a complete list, search Speaking Latino online slang dictionary.
1. agarrar para el hueveo: 1) to tease someone, to jerk their chain 2) to not take a romantic relationship seriously, a fling
2. ahuevonado: dumb, stupid, idiotic, so stupid that what is obvious to everyone else, he/she doesn’t realize
3. bueno para el hueveo: this phrase has different meanings when used in reference to a man or a woman. When used to describe a man, it means that he loves to go out and drink, but in reference to a female, it means that she is slutty or easy
4. como las huevas: with problems, complicated, in a mess
5. hacerse el huevón: to play dumb, make like you don’t know what’s going on
6. huevada: something foolish, dumb, a waste of time
7. huevas: a guy’s balls or nuts
8. huevear: 1) screw around, mess around, in a positive sense 2) to bother, annoy
9. hueveo: 1) a fun, entertaining situation 2) something annoying, a pain in the ass
10. huevón: 1) a dumbshit, an idiot 2) something like buddy, dude or shithead, used among close friends
11. huevón culiado: a mother-fucking son-of-a-bitch
12. huevoncito: an insulting, ironic way to refer to someone, as in “that little dumbshit”
13. huevonear: to cuss someone out
14. puta la huevada: shit, son of a bitch, motherfucker, an all inclusive statement after something bad occurs
15. ¿Y que huevada?: What the hell’s going on?
If you liked this list of Chilean sayings using huevear, you might like to read the article CAGAR: The Second Most Important Chile Spanish Slang Word. Find more Chilean idioms in my book Speaking Chileno: A Guide to Spanish from Chile.
Check out these other Chile Spanish Slang Word articles.