expression of admiration and exclamation, similar to OMG in English
a la bola
to be naked
a la cubana
any food dish made with tomato pureé and whatever is on hand
altitude sickness
This word is an expression of surprise which is used like ¡Caramba! in other Spanish speaking countries.
a mess, snafu, screwed up situation, what a disaster!
Las palabras, como las plumas, se las lleva el viento
Words are easily forgotten, both by the person speaking them, and by the person listening.
Las estrellas inclinan, pero no obligan
You make your own destiny. Each person con influence their future, it is not up to factors completely out of their control.
Las doce, la que tenga a mi novio que no lo goce
This expresses jealousy for a boyfriend that is not home by midnight, wishing that the person with the boyfriend has a bad time.
Las desgracias no vienen solas
Phrase that highlights that bad luck will often be followed by more bad luck. Also that a misfortune brings other, often unexpected, consequences.
Las cosas se toman según de quien vengan
Take with a grain of salt. Besides listening to what is being said, one must take a look at who is talking, to decide the importance and truth of the statement.
Las cosas se caen por su propio peso
Problems go away with the passage of time.
Las apariencias engañan
You can’t judge a book by its cover. A person’s outward appearances are not necessarily proof of how that person behaves and who he his.
Las aguas siempre vuelven a su nivel
Although relationships sometimes have bumpy or uncertain moments, once these pass, then the relationship will return to its original course. Phrase used to give hope to people that are passing through a rough moment.
Ladrón que roba a ladrón, merece el perdón
Give him a taste of his own medicine, what comes around goes around. Since a thief causes problems for other people, the person that steals from the thief deserves not to be blamed. The blame falls on the original thief.
La yerba mala nunca se muere
A tiger doesn’t change its stripes. A person never inherently changes who they are, once a criminal always a criminal.
La venganza nunca es buena, mata el alma y la envenena
Revenge is an emotion that never has a positive outcome
La última la paga el diablo
After being worn out paying all your bills, this is the phrase you would say. It basically means that the last bill can go to hell.
La tercera es la vencida
Three’s a charm. Don’t give up because often the first couple attempts may fail but then the third attempt will be a success.
La suerte de la fea la bonita la desea
This phrase highlights that each person sees advantages in others and wants them, without realizing that they themselves hold advantages over those same people, wanted by them. For example, in this phrase the ugly girl wants to be pretty, but the pretty girl wants to be lucky.
La soga rompe por lo más delgado
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. In any type of team work, the weakest member of the group (whether it be physical strength, patience, intelligence) is the one that defines the level of ability of the group.
Los trapos sucios se lavan en casa
Any family problems should be handled in private and not shared with neighbors, friends, etc.
La práctica hace milagros
Practice makes perfect. By practicing, a person will excel in his/her chosen area.
La práctica hace el maestro
Practice makes perfect. By practicing a person can achieve a high level of expertise that would not otherwise be possible.
La necesidad es la madre de la invención
Necessity is the mother of invention. People are always motivated more to invent something, when there is a need to fill.
La mujer es como el espejo, si se toca mucho se empaña
Wisdom given to make sure that a woman protects her image.
La muerte es lo único seguro que tenemos en la vida
As sure as death and taxes. Phrase that highlights how uncertain the future can be, and that unexpected (negative) things happen all the time.
La mona, aunque se vista de seda, mona se queda
You can dress something up or cover it with a disguise but that will not hide the essence of what it really is.
La mejor palabra es la que no se dice
Often, the best way to communicate a person’s emotions (whether anger, happiness, etc.) is to not say anything at all.
La luna no es de queso ni se come con melao
Not as easy as it looks. Something may look simple, but it is actually complicated or involved.